Knight-Errant - A Normal Game Mafia Wins!

This setup favored town if they didn’t kill or reveal a PR n1 which happened and town was in a good spot with two vt deaths
problem is cop was forced to out


ironically I think finding mafia instead of a random villager was worse

Yeah I think Cop and Gunsmith are maybe a bit too strong in this setup

I don’t think so personally
Finding a mafia in multiball isn’t that strong, as seen by what happened this game
Finding an innocent is rather strong but town needs some compensation with two KPN

Brakuren was a mason can’t believe you all called him a wolf :/


I was Masons with May we were playing Mahjong the entire game

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This is true. I also messaged Litten when hammer was reached which is a lot like what yo uwere doing in wolf chat so basically we’re the smae person

i need a townrand where I am chill and mischopped so I can stop being polarized smh


You need to be mischopped? I can give you lessons



holy shit

I was mischopped on mu

kind of funny, i had the scum team nailed down in a flipless game day 4 although it took me a bit, not used to dying and being spec chat’s favorite it was nice lol

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Just to give an example
Finding the masons in this game, wasn’t hard, even night one. Look at both Rhea’s and Otter’s reads on each other and notice how they consistently town read each other. Masons act as a psuedo mafia team and it’s one of the reasons why townies can get tripped up on mistaking them for mafia with each other, and as the informed faction it’s even easier for you guys. because of how difficult it is for them to hide, they really aren’t that strong which is where the other power roles make up for it.

if may is the main character of fol achro is the villain


Holy shit it’s a wild gengar

Oh hey it’s the person who likes the lit like a litten song

One of my favourite games I’ve ever played was the one on here where I had 3/4 wolves nailed on D3 (and the last between two players). Town decided to hammer someone they thought was my partner, she flipped town, and then immediately proceeded to hammer me in ExLo, ending the game. Incredible stuff. Martyrdom



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By “someone they thought was my partner” I mean Jaiden, who later went on to become my literal partner, so,