Lackadaisy FM: Pick Your Poison Wolf victory.

oh you’re trying to get info off the mafia kill
i didn’t get it til you explained it like i was lil

#360 posts

shouldn’t be hard. anything i should keep in mind before I dig in?

Also it’s not my job to tell who to vote.

so we got a N0 kill?

This death was a joke. probably.

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Info-whise, I don’t think anything should be prioritized.

  • Role and alignment flips will be shown after a player dies.

  • Lackadaisy Flavor for Alignments and Roles are randomized

is this a 12p game now?

This is still a 13 p
(Atlas wasn’t a player, he was killed off-screen)

no wait. the math doesn’t add up. we still have 13p list and atlas is just a hidden 14th

something test
VOTE: atlas

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do you mean this is a joke and doesn’t have any affect on the game?

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It is the most likely conclusion.

Jormok (2): Kiiruma, Zorvo
Zenon (1): Marluna
Etha (1): Jormok
Kanave (1): scoot
Marluna (1): Etha
guavagudetama (1): Kanave
atlas (1): baker

Not Voting (5): guavagudetama, beancat, lol, crazynuto, Zenon

good morning happy july 5th to those who celebrate it

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vote count doesnt matter u can vote anyone technically for example

VOTE: your mother is fat


I am trying to find zenon’s posts but I can’t. why are we voting zenon? @Marluna

btw she is the only player i have played with before afaik

Showing this doesn’t prove anything. It’s the lack of the bot, not anything game related.
You can vote anyone (not just the players in this game), or anything, and while you are an alive player registered as someone who can vote, your vote will show up in the list. For example VOTE: ForumOfLies
Until the host doesn’t post the official VC. It is not official.

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i feel dumb LOL

ok i figured out and i want to hide in shame now

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