Lackadaisy FM: Pick Your Poison Wolf victory.

To be expected.

While some town might believe a PR to be bait or fake claim.
Some wolves will just say the same to push agenda and know they can get away with it.

Again, I look for all this stuff.

Kiiruma can be town just as much as they can be mafia but I still believe if you’re mafia, Kiiruma is as well. It’s my thoughts and based on what you have said.

I also know I was wrong on Kiiruma in FAM but I tried my best to not tunnel and tried my best to see other worlds and sorta did.
Meanwhile Kiiruma still had me as wolf simply because I was suspecting them.

It still feels weird for me.
You are clearing one (very specific) world, without clearing any actual player.
And you suspecting someone, who doesn’t even against your view on this.

They kinda are?
They are basically saying that while there is a good chance there is a wolf in thread he still believes it isn’t clearing because there is still a chance there isn’t a wolf in thread.

Also he mentioned 1-2 wolves outside of those 3 which didn’t quite make sense and even got @beancat confused.

Fun Fact: I won’t be here for EoD and next SoD.

As I work Weekdays.

I tell myself I don’t need to talk as much in a mafia game and what do I do.

I talk.

Even talked allot of the FAM too I believe.

Trying to do better.

let’s be less coy about this

@Marluna please respond to this thx

I think they should not. But it’s my personal view.

Claiming a specific role as VT is a bad idea, in my opinion. Because mafia knows the town roles in the game, so they easily can catch the liars.

CC someone who claimed a specific role (as VT) is even a worse idea, because it just confuse the town, which helps only scums.

Also I don’t suggest VTs to claim “just a PR” because that would just crumble my plan of forcing the mafia to choose their prefered playstyle. (Although this would be the prefered one, if VTs are planning to claim something that they are not.)

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cool cool

i feel like it’s a good idea to sort out all claims into a PR/Maf bucket instead of having to worry about VT in that bucket and quickly go through all the VT claims

welcome as the first member of said bucket

good night everyone, need some rest after tiring myself out

current reads are at guava towny/zorvo at a place i can’t read so probably town (sadly)/marluna in the claims bucket/i had a guttownlean somewhere but forgot who it was

if i wake up tomorrow and see someone calling for the execution of the inactives i will personally come for thy head thx <3

i’m trying to follow through the last 50 posts
but it’s too late in the evening to parse it
in general jormok and zorvo seem like a town duo
and marluna’s plan doesn’t make sense to me so

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also i’ve never seen kana be this aggressive
other than in dww when usually she has information
but i haven’t had a game with kana where she wasn’t vigi shot day 1

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It’s easy though.
If mafia chose easily to confirmable roles, they will shoot in the PR claims. (And they don’t claim PR)
If mafia chose hard to confirm roles (likes cop or Tracker) they won’t shoot into them. And they will try to claim at least one PR role so town has to deal with the PR claims instead of them.

So I force them to reveal their picks as early as N1.
(It’s better than hardclaiming my role)


didn’t expect this game to start right away

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You aren’t alone with this.
I was very lonely for a bot.

tell me who to vote lol

Him, her or them.