Lackadaisy FM: Pick Your Poison Wolf victory.

I’d be lying if Zorvo’s wall didn’t at least have my brain stirring a bit to think about what my take was and that’s just what my opinion was.

I don’t think being the first vote on someone is a sheep vote though LOL


Kinda like on how my first vote is on you, yeah? Because haha funny vote Etha time.

I don’t have much meta on Kanave.
But yeah, I think that from what I’ve seen it holds true.

I could be turbo posting harder but I was playing Wildfrost last night

I’ve definitely missed something

this is vague

were these two scumreads not the same person
I thought she was implying Etha in both

I agree with this for the most part, but the last thing you mentioned is fine I think
if I made a read that was almost a guess and then people jumped on it I would feel a little bad so if I was her I wouldn’t feel great about putting the spotlight on Etha

overall I do think Etha looks better than Baker atm

was asleep

LOL true

Kana has been this aggressive with me outside of games

that posts is ~how Nuto usually posts
I can’t remember his alignments in other games I’ve played with him, though, save for Hurdy-Gurdy where he was town

tbf the inexperienced players (Etha and Jormok) are still skilled at social deduction games they just don’t play FM specifically very often

good meowning

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I also don’t like how Baker tried to imply lol was slanking when they came into thread at almost the same time
like he’s low on the post count but
idk I just don’t see it

Me? Vague? No way.


I don’t like that


Don’t give me away! They can’t know I am a mastermind at this kinda stuff! How could you! </3

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I do, I think it’s funny. A very Miu thing to say, hope the Kiibo side provides good evidence later on in the game tho!


well actually it was mainly about Etha I just didn’t wanna be rude and be like “and Jormok is ASS” (joking)

tbf mech heavy stuff doesn’t transfer super well to FM so you definitely have some wiggle room (this is an excuse for you to go under the radar again)

gasp </3</3</3</3</3</3

Atleast I have an ass!

You’re great.

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TBH i feel like baker is kinda fishing for a vote they can get easily

i expect it’s normal but they instantly came and asked who they should vote on

and then (BIAS INCOMING) voted on someone by pushing them without giving any reason minus they’re voting for marluna

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Why go under the rader, when I can be in the spotlight like the star I am!
yeah, no, I’ll just chill over here in the dark, don’t mind me.

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like i feel like you should at least explain a bit (defensive posting)

i think they didn’t give any reason at least i just saw this

also what someone said after (i don’t remember who/where it was) but that it was weird to say ‘the person voting marluna’ and not just going ‘etha’

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oh my god I forgot about this

asks who to vote
puts suspicion on a lhf (lol)
puts suspicion on etha for… wallposting and tone?

I don’t trust this slot
VOTE: Baker

what’s an lhf