Lackadaisy FM: Pick Your Poison Wolf victory.

it like just ended

I gossip that Zone is the Noble

wait heā€™s not in this game fuck

I gossip that Zorvo is the Noble

Whatā€™s your deal with the Letter ā€œZā€?

Itā€™s very close to it.

ā€œI gossip Zone is the Nobleā€ is smthn I said in another game and Iā€™ve just started saying it when someone says gossip
and then your name was just the closest to his out of everyone here lol

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the ss is from FAM which I canā€™t quote cuz the thread is LOCKED </3

Oh god oh fuck i didnā€™t realize this started I have to read 500 posts aaaaaaa



Oddly every time this has happened its been a wolf. Anyways.

Oh god itā€™s another imageposter make it stop

Caught scum dybu dabu

VOTE: Zenon

Jokes on you woofy.

I mean i top post but i do it while responding to people i rarely just spam to myself honestly

Iā€™m a PR

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Someone quickly disable likes.

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VOTE: Zenon

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VOTE: baker