Lackadaisy FM: Pick Your Poison Wolf victory.

KP for killing power




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You and marl are wolfs?


VOTE: Guava

Red vs Sblue

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Marluxion my favourite player of Lackadaisy fm

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FoL tells me to shut up in every thread


LMAO real

Hi! Welcome to everything!

In other news, a storm has knocked out my internet. Fun fun fun fun fun. Phone moment.


I like how zenon’s just going down the thread and responding to everything while guava quips back, only to be seen like an hour later probably lol

@Zenon in case you see this i suggest compiling everything you want to say into one post with the quote feature and just have a cartchup wall thanks

VOTE: Zorvo

Intent to hammer

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he claimed town :person_shrugging:

The pictures make my brain go brrr


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Zenon is funny, I like them.

Nvm fixed already, love it when other people are tech savy. and then the power is gonna go out, which they can’t fix, lmao

Don’t think what’s AI… she literally didn’t do anything at this point lol

Isn’t this literally illegal?

VOTE: scoot