Lackadaisy FM: Pick Your Poison Wolf victory.

it’s too early in the game to start reading people
why do it now when there’s not enough substance in thread to call for a head

little hammer


in the post making menu

thank youu

Scoot did you really roll a die or do you just not want to look suspicious

Hallo gamers, I would like to say I’m Town Social? I’m not too sure what the exact terminology is.

(Also was too busy playing ace attorney to realize this had started)


i rolled a die in my head good pal
can’t you just take my word instead of prodding me now?


This best kinda die to roll, the imaginary one in your head.


I rolled a 7

Hi, I’m back!

VOTE: scoot

this is hell because Scoot probably isn’t scum based on meta/what I know about him but “I rolled an imaginary die in my head and voted this person” isn’t exactly a comforting notion if he really is my teammate

:smile: :+1:

I am a 7.
Your not voting me smh.

You know I was taking a relook at the roles and I actually initially thought this role day kills lol.
I was actually going to request that if this role exists and someone is this role to just use their shot today to get a clear going.

However, looks like it’s a night action.
In this case, if this role is in the game that player probably wants to either claim or make it clear who they are shooting so if the player dies we can have a confirm.

I think I agree and feel like Marluna is kinda wolfy with how bold they’re being but I think that I disagree with W!Marluna = W!Kiiruma.

I read this as just a joke that they put before saying their idea of all the PRs coming out, which I still believe shouldn’t be done.

I feel like the PR claim is a pure bluff but I don’t know the motivations behind the bluff yet so I’m gonna lean towards being suspicious of them.

I also kinda just have the vibe of Marluna being a wolf, the way they were lurking around at the start felt like they were just waiting for someone to jump on.

Voting on vibes, I’ll change it later once they’re around and either help me understand what they were thinking/doing or if someone else reeks of wolfness VOTE: Marluna

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babys first more than 2 sentence post

who said this


I didn’t put the specifics it is more nuanced than I said

can you quote-

oh thanks