Lackadaisy FM: Pick Your Poison Wolf victory.

then why didn’t she jump on Kiiruma?
her vote is currently on Zenon who hasn’t spoken

like if she was looking for something to jump on she would. be on someone who has spoken I think

Could be they’re on the same side like posited earlier or Marluna just didn’t want Kiiruma to be pushed yet

idk if Marluna has good reads on Kiiruma or something like that but that’d be my best guess

When I said how they were looking for something to jump on my main thought would be a player they were less familiar with. Scoot, Jormok, myself, etc.

i do think a town wouldn’t lurk around SoD
though is it common for people to do so without engagement?

Marluna and Jormok were active at the same time though, so it wouldn’t be about familiarity either

it’s not common for either alignment, though Marluna isn’t usually a topposter form what I’ve seen so this is relatively in character?

This isn’t really a normal SoD though right? Not a lot of people are around and stuff, most haven’t said anything…
Again, attributing this to it not being announced or something along those lines.

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oh my ass mentally blocked this lmao

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the lurking thing may be wrong (it is) but i think the rest still applies

If they are bluffing PR and don’t truly intend to claim it that only helps town
in fact, pointing out the possibility that they’re bluffing rn kinda helps scum because it makes them doubt Marluna’s claim but if she’s bluffing to get killed tonight then we should have left the topic alone

I don’t believe that they’re bluffing out of good intentions though, if you were bluffing to get killed tonight then I feel like you also wouldn’t ask the PR to come out and say they’re the PR since that’s pretty counterintuitive

usually SoD starts with jokes and laughs you see
so i think its weird for someone to just be typin and complaining about how there’s not enough activity
what is your take on it jormok

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First time on FoL, so I’m not aware if that’s true here or not. I’ll take you’re word for it though. Maybe they like the jokes and laughs and are able to relatively accurately use that as information?

How many of you are confident a wolf has spoken?

If your confident say “I am confident a wolf has spoken”.

For me, I think there has been at least one wolf that has spoken.

I am confident a wolf has spoken

In that case.

@lol , @Zenon , @baker and @beancat Haven’t Spoken.

So if somehow 2 of them flip wolf, we can clear the other 2.

even aside from my suspicions it’s just likely