Random ueqstion for Ruina nonenjoyers: on first impression what’s your favourite character of this list…
Never played it before, so I guess that would be me.
For Schadenfreude: Netzach
For Blutdurst: Gebura
For Norman: Roland and Hod
Oceania’s just a geographical location in the Pacific ocean. To call it a continent, you’d be saying New Zealand, Polynesia, Papua New Guinea and Melanesia are included as the same continuous expanse of land despite existing on a different tectonic plate with wide oceans between them (hence why Oceania can’t be identified as an archipelagic region like the Phillipines). It’s just a regional denomination for convenience’s sake, similar to why the Bermuda Triangle or Caribbean were named.
At least as I was taught. In many ways subdivisions and heritage of land can be considered loosely arbitrary, at times… like how Europe and Asia aren’t just considered one continent, or North and South America, although it used to be perceived as such.
games with japanese names throw me off so hard they’re all so similar in english
roland. die.
i could hardly remember any character’s name when playing dangadrompa and corpse party
also since may deleted him the purple one’s name is yesod
I once named a character Hermeser.
These are not Japanese names. They’re letters of the Hebrew alphabet
I once gave two characters the same name and mistook them for one another.
That’s how amnesiac I was in the past.
That’s how forgetful my future will be.
this is a korean game and these names are the sephirot of the kabbalah tree of life (except roland who is just a guy)
it would deffo depend on their personality but Gebura or Malkuth probably by design alone?
the Floor of Technological Sciences guy is literally just the main character from Persona 3 lmfao
admittedly Gebura is literally just red Balalaika
So, if you get a 0, that’s a win too?
Yeah hungry sure is a scary thing that I hope we pretend it doesnțt happen
Did you remember Maquodo
this is insanely tumblrcoded
nuh uh
i am going to, against all reason, take that as a compliment