Last poster before threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread (Part 7)) (Part 8)


:nerd_face: actually, Roland is based off one of the Paladins of Charlemagne, specifically as represented in the epic poem Orlando Furioso

In 6th grade we had to do sit ups in PE class and the teacher told us while doing them, she asked for volunteers to sit on someones legs for the sit ups. I remember my crush just jumped volunteering to do it with me. She was like sitting on me and smiling at me. I dont think I said anything at all

Then I remember years later, in 9th or 10th grade. There was an armchair in the back of our classroom. No idea why there was an arm chair. I remember sitting there pretending to be asleep, amusing my classmates who were audibly wondering if i really fell asleep. The same girl like leaped on me and sat on my lap and was exaggeratingly trying to wake me up

Then I remember a year later … I was playing Hearthstone in the computer cabinet. Another girl who was not into games at all but really liked me kept hanging out around me, was touchy with me, kept wanting to be around me. She also sat on my lap while i was teaching her how to play

I remember being … Uninterested in all of those scenarios. I think … I do wonder if I might be asexual. I have heard two definitions of asexuality.

One definition is disdain / repulsion / not feeling comfortable around anything sexual

The other one is that you have some dreamy ideas of a companionship that you can never fulfill. You never ever find yourself satisfied with a person, it never feels right. You never feel attracted to any person. You are attracted to the idea of doing it, and you can engage in doing it, but feel perpetually offput and disappointed by everyone. Youre constantly left annoyed because you feel like you want more and you can just never get it right and its annoying.

I dont feel repulsed at all, im not at all like the first definition but i find myself identifying a lot with the second

There are other stories with girls from uni i just elected not to write all my memoirs

I just said this coz I had an acquitance who identified as asexual despite being in a polygamous intimate relationship. And she said the same things for herself. And after googling im also seeing other people feeling that way and identifying that way, so im just making some connections, and wondering about myself

I also suspect me not returning attention to those girls made them give me more of it because thats how human nature works to a degree

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Who’s an expert in sexuality here. Does somebody know whenever aromanticism but still being straight sexually exists?

But anyways, if you get to like the idea of “doing it” you’re not ace, but maybe you’re wondering if your heart could pleasantly pound for somebody and I feel that it takes a while for that.

If you’d spend your life with a girl what traits do you want them to have? Mines are of like a stereotypical woman

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I have honestly like never tried, like actually tried, for real, for my own sake, to have a relationship. I have vaguely tried a few times, I think out of peer pressure that I am expected to have one, and failure to have one means im lesser than others who do have one, and I am expected to be subjected to mockery. I think there is a chance that might have been the only reason i did it. When i had my online gf ex … I was happy imagining telling it to my parents. One time i had a dream i had a gf and i was really happy to tell my mom about it, in the dream. My desire to have a gf might be to a varifying degree, up to a total of 100%, due to me wanting to check some boxes on the things that are expected of me to do, and that I know will make others happy or make them like me more. Im not sure whether I actually want it for myself, if I was just by myself, with no expectations placed on me

You can be

From my experience, I did get romantic highs crushing on guys and I could see maybe romantically falling for somebody. Though I tend to not run with that feeling as I for the time being want to be on my own and that’s okay for me.
for some people in my mind crushing faded drastically, for some it still remained there if I think about that side.

I think the advice here is to explore your preferences, though sadly I have no practical advice to give further than that.

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Asexuality means that you don’t have the feeling that drives wanting to do the “it”. I’m not sure if it’s the same, but when I think of girls, there’s no switch in me that would want me to get that romantic high or… “doing it” with them.

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Yeah. This is different than what you previously said :P

Peer pressure is stupid. Always identify that when you have desires only because others are trying to put you down or by comparing yourself with others and seeing them as “happier” is a bad box that doesn’t neccessarily fit you aswell.

Each time you want to do something to fulfill your identity/status, stand back from it, remember it starts from your ego and it doesn’t matter.

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well, since I can garantuee that romantic asexual exist, I wouldn’t dismiss the idea of the opposite (an aromantic “straight”(or any other sexuality)) existing.


That’s a very bad look on it, imo.
If you think, you expected of having a partner, and you are trying just because of that, you probably will fail most of the time.

Having a relationship is great, but not having one (and not longing for one) doesn’t make you a lesser person. If you want to live single, you aren’t a monster, which society will hunt down. (at least it not supposed to do.)


Extreme wise words from Marlunie toonie


I’m not a looney…


I cant not think of Bill Gates as the richest man in the world. Musk has twice his money and there are others richer than him now but Im just so used to Bill Gates being the richest I cant change the memory

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it’s pretty hard to think of anyone as the richest man cause the richest man is some unnamed guy from thousands of years ago

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or stalin now that i think about it

but probably that someone we don’t even know existed

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i think we should bring back mansa musa and put him in the same room as elon musk


I very much doubt it

well if it’s not that it’s the guy ici mentioned

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