Last poster before threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread (Part 7)) (Part 8)


But the lore is what gives the movie life!

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Itā€™s a TV show

Yes I know Jane

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Alignment: Pain to balance.
Role: Fun to balance.

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On table: 100 coins (2 sides; 1 head, 1 tail). 10 heads are facing up; 90 heads are facing down.

Goal: Without [any ability to discern the coins], separate the coins into two piles containing the same number of heads facing up, without removing them from the table.

Sub-goal: From the smallest pile, you can obtain any number of coins where the tails are facing up. You may only take these coins iff the (main) goal was reached.

Variant: 6 coins, 3 face-up heads, 3 face-up tails.
Max 3 heads. Min 0 heads.

arfff mimimimi

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@Luka have you tried ygo omega? its really really good. im ditching master duel for it

this is a ted-ed riddle right

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Ye. Minus the subgoal.

Why is mita the cat emoji :smiley_cat:

This anime women embodies this emoji so well


So we canā€™t see the coins, but we know, that 10 coins are facing heads up, right?

I would just pick 10 coins in the smaller pile, and switch which side their faces up.
Since I am switching the 10 coins I am putting in the smaller pile, it doesnā€™t matter, how many head facing coins I originally picked, the two piles will always have the same amount of coins facing heads up.
(for example, if I picking 6 heads, that means, the bigger pile has 4 heads, and the smaller pile also has 4 tails, after I switch the 10 coins, the smaller pile will have 4 heads as well. This method works for all cases from 0 to 10 heads in the smaller pile.)

In this case, I probably would switch the 90 coins of the big pile. (it is more likely I am picking more tail facing up coins in my smaller pile, if I am picking 10 coins randomly.)
Reasoning is same as above.

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This on is trickierā€¦
I donā€™t see the solution at the moment.

No. Itā€™s the exact same ā€œpuzzleā€ with the exact same solution. The min-max thing is just how many heads/tails you can get if you were to use the same method as the original puzzle.

I didnā€™t think of that before! :smile: