Last poster before threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread (Part 7)) (Part 8)

natdex ag also has such powerful threats as tera shedinja and encore mega gengar. its no man’s land out there



in the meantime take my trans girl sylveon characterwho decides to spite the gods by becoming a wish-protect staller


and also revivecats. god i forgot about them


in funnier news mega blastoise is natdex ubers because in giving blastoise shell smash they inadvertently made mega blastoise far and away the strongest shell smash user


well if that’s what he was saying i misinterpreted it but i was just agreeing with the general sentiment of “if you are not yourself, you cannot be truly happy”
and given the fact you’ve said that you try to like, change your personality based on who’s around you…

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I feel the part with the personality is probably in a different context? That’s my tingling of it

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do you address the animals in a nature documentary by “fredrick von hillsburg”


some might say that revival blessing was a Mistake


yea maybe it just. sounds similar

its one of the most extreme “if a pokemon that is actually decent can get access to this, the game just falls apart” things in pokemon

i much prefer “this is good enough that it gives a middling pokemon a strong and really interesting niche”. like Triage on Comfey. Triage fucking rules


don’t get me wrong my favorite “this pokemon should not be as good in competetive as it is” pokemon is Ribombee, my beloved. but that’s for a number of reasons, not just because Ribombee is a lil cutie that has never done anything wrong


Ribombee is one of my favorite lower-tier pokemon that is very much an important part of the metagame of higher tier metagames

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they should add non-held items and microtransactions to get those

i did use to do that yeah. i dont think that me making all these jokes gets me extra liked on fol though. what he coined as “reaction baiting” was me talking about women and me talking about me being trans. i used to be trans, it wasnt completely made up out of nowhere to get ppl to like me, it was my truth, and these stuff about thirsting for women is just funny to me coz its absurd. ive gotten in a lot of trouble for joking about that without caution in multiple places. like that is me hahah. if anything i feel relief that i get to joke about it here because thats what i really wanna do, and ive been told off from doing it in other places. arctic has given me slack before for talking about women, he wrote another psychoanalysis wall about me about how i treat women as different species and not as humans. he wants good for me because he is my friend, but i think he has a tendency to reach a bit in his psychoanalysis. maybe im not asexual i dunno. but that is definitely me being me, saying all those stuff. i was defending my personality. if i were to conform i would just agree with things being told about me but as you can all see im defending myself so maybe that gives you reassurance that im capable of defending myself!


this is the kind of thinking that lead toRayquaza being able to Mega Evolve without it costing its’ held item slot


I did fall for tutuu’s girlthirsting antics to be fair

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they gave shuckle an ability before abilities existed. because of this i believe shuckle should have access to As One

mega shuckle stocks are higher than ever. just wait for legends AZ

Deep tuttie is cutie :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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