and given how she plays i believe her
do you have any idea how fucking stimulating a mafia game is for someone with ADHD? “Ooh a new post. Ooh a new post. Ooh a new post.” Fucking forum mafia fried my dopamine receptors.
Okay but that’s also literally tiktok except every new post is scrolling
and you could compare it to a ton of other services too
Not after January 19th in the United States
I love living in an increasingly fascist state
I want to earn american salary and not live in america
Living in a house is a luxury
I’m increasingly considering just leaving.
To where?
Great question lol.
That’s the problem
Canada is your most convenient choice
Bad news
What are they?
there’s french people there
Canada fucking hates immigration and the US fucking hates people leaving
Like they literally have an entire deal that says Don’t Go There
Canada used to be very open to immigration but maybe theyre closing the doors coz too many people got in. I dunno then. Australia or new zealand. I dont think there are many countries easy to immigrate to. Sweden maybe but its dangerous there now
*easy to immigrate to and livable by trans and/or queer people
Me personally im going to japan
I dont mind the xenophobia and 50% chance to be denied to rent a place. It will be an upgrade. Im not used to a high standard of living
i exist within a damp and wretched prison realm and though i long to leave, there’s nowhere else i can go. at least here i have some priveleges from being a citizen, though i suspect that a few governments down the line those’ll be gone for trans people like me
It, like much of the rest of the world, is importing a lot of America’s longtime greatest export: fascism. They’re likely going to elect far right leadership that’s going to try to follow in the footsteps of what the US does. I would likely go to an EU country. Ireland would be the easiest one hypothetically, but yeah idk.