Last poster before threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread (Part 7)) (Part 8)

My ability to gauge difficulty of my own puzzles is not absolute. I said this one was easier because I avoided 4-member red herrings - the last ā€œeasier puzzleā€ had the non-overlapping waterfall/hollow/lake/valley + vanilla/egg/honey/sugar which could keep you locked if you tried to pre-solve, which I always do. Itā€™s easier in the way I tend to do it

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orange rhymes with sporange and a lot rhymes with rhythm (importantly prism apparently does but iā€™m not a rhyming person)

Okay so like looking at this poll what would you naturally gravitate toward


yes i looked this up cause i was curious

ā€œYou either are released and die and watch a video, or are delayed and witness yourself become the game.ā€
ā€“ Miyamoto Begin


one of the first 4

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ā€œI love hockeeeeeeeeeā€
ā€“ Shigeru Miyamoto, highest career goal scorer in the NHL


i feel like i have to do one of the things thatā€™ll effect the most people positively

but something that is life changing to me would be resurrecting a super rich guy

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Oh i see how it is MU, when I make a new account i have to wait half a month and get help, but when i make a terrible alt I donā€™t need to verify my fucking email


These are the results on Tumblr


I??? Donā€™t understand why nobody wants 20 years??

you would pick the lifespan one wouldnā€™t you

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20 years is insane

20 more years of being old and all weak

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nyaaaaaaa Iā€™d pick curing an allergy

and yeah this is why I wouldnā€™t pick 20 years

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wooow only 2.9% are aiding the whole world by putting an end to the monarchy? personally i want to bring back wooly mammoths


living 20 extra years as an 80 year old i dont think will matter too much. being rich while young will let me enjoy it the fullest while im still young

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I understand why some people wouldnā€™t want it but like. Okay first of all that means I will not die unexpectedly in the next 20 years. Second of all in 20 years you can do so much. You can make money and find love and whatever

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