Last poster before threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread (Part 7)) (Part 8)

for me this is probably partially a “potential afterlife. or not” thing though

I think if I were somehow certain there was nothing but nonexistence after dying, I would be… honestly IDK it’s really hard to say

I hate paying money for food


if hell doesn’t have cute demons I’m not sinning

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I am but I think I owe it to the world to do some kind of good with this weird ass genie wish

*takes notes*
Got it. I’ll try to ensure all these uncomfortable aspects are in my games.

I am certain there is nothing but nonexistence and it’s annoying because like. I mean I have largely made peace with it but other people don’t believe this and so it’s a weird fundamental mindset difference I have with people so often

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500k over 20 extra years is crazy but reviving ANYONE? cmon

The phrasing of the question specifically states “life changing for you” so I’m ignoring good to the world myself

Like it kind of reopens the wound to have people talking about the afterlife with certainty. To me

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‘life changing’ feels like such an abritrary term


yesssssss please slap me and throw your wine at me

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oh by the way the helltaker dev made a new game if you’re interested


I apologize for my conduct at Cookie Thread today.

I am pretty certain in nonexistence after dying but i guess it’d be cool to be proven wrong


if i could prevent a death in the past - then maybe. reviving someone after they have become a corpse … i dont see that as anything other than creepy. it is magic after all, but id need to know more about the terms and conditions to not think of it as creepy necromancy


i like neutrals beacuse i can kill them

What would be more life changing

  • 500k (in cash)
  • Dinner with jay-Z

0 voters


nothing gives me more joy in mafia than going after the neutrals