Last poster before threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread (Part 7)) (Part 8)

It creates a kind of second grief to like lose a family member and then have everybody else talking about how they’re in heaven and they’ll see them again. Like I sincerely don’t believe that and so not only is it an emotional disconnect it’s also like… it creates a sense of a second loss, losing the person on earth and then also having to deal with losing/not having the idea of having them in afterlife

Logically I’m at a modified Pascal’s wager with that
Basically “If there is a possibility of an eternity that we can modify with our actions here, then that eternity is infinitely more impactful than any finite amount of lifetime here”

But in practice uhhhhhhhhhh nya meow purr I am not sure how I should act on that

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creepy necromancy could still do some crazy typa good. idk. even if not there are some people who I am just sad no longer exist who I think died too early




I have the same mindset basically. Like it’d be a cool fun surprise to be proven wrong. But extraordinary claims extraordinary evidence etc until and unless that happens I’m fairly confident

(i think its some rapper)

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what was this from i swear i saw this before


Id yall dont know who jay z is thats on u

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I’m killing you with hammers


what about going after hydras in a non-hydra game

you’re kissing ghosts now? lmao this guy


Imagine the knowledge youd gain

…yeah, I can see where the issue comes from.
(Well. Such is what it means to be a “third party”; you basically just die the moment you reveal you are one.)

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i thought this was gravity falls incest fanart for a sec

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3nd best, right before going after gimmick alts

phineas i know what we’re gonna do today

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having someone to pursue for free at a game really helps motive me to post more

while we’re bringing back old dilemmas

What would be more surprising to find at your door?
  • a fairy
  • a walrus

0 voters

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Backstory is great as well.
Last stage(s) look tough as heck though.

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