Last poster before threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread (Part 7)) (Part 8)


Thanks tutuu, I actually want crispier fries

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What’s the procedure for this again? After you unpeel and cut them, you put it in boiling water mixed with baking soda?

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That doesn’t feel like much of french fries, more like french boils

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Don’t tell them that, duh. Tell them you are invited for a paintball game, and everyone is responsible for their own equipment…


My mom complimente my fries a ton. What i do is:

Wash and peel potatoes, chop them into very big chunks, put im pot, put water, put some baking soda, boil for i forgot … 8 minutes maybe, until theyre very soft but they dont break. Then i put sunflower oil on an oven tray, put the potatoes, put more oil on top (not a ton, like drizzle). Then iirc i roast for … 45 minutes. Then i flip them around, more oil, and roast for 30ish minutes

Then theyre done. I put them in a large bowl. Put seasoning, then i shake the bowl to mix everything. Then on the top i put shredded parmesan and chopped cilantro. Mamma mia :pinched_fingers:

I approve of tutuu engaging in male wife activity


Wait, you wash the potatoes before peeling?

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Yeah theyre not fried, i dont have the means to deep fry things. Theyre still the same food, just different method of thermal manipulation. And, well, mine do turn out softer than french fries. They are roasted fries. But you can make them have the same texture as deep fried french fries. The oven is very flexible. It can mimic both a pan and a deep fryer, i think

Yeah. I guess you can wash them after you peel. I havent thought about that. I just dont want like dirt getting on my peeler coz it touches the potatoes. Maybe you can wash both before and after

i only wash my potatoes after theyre cooked


You drain the water after you boil them so i guess its fine either way they get an extra round of “cleaning” in the pot

Do you have a gas stove or an electric top?

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Electric. I think in english its called induction

Did not know that.

So top on cooking you are

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Im not that good hahah i just watch a lot of cooking youtubers. Im obsessed over them

Conventional wife behavior


Maybe electric isnt the same as induction? I have never in my life seen the second thing though. Not irl, not on youtube as well. I do think you probably were thinking of the third thing when you said electric


I definetly wash after the peeling. There is like no way any peeler is sterile enough to makimg contact with the potato couldn’t cause any bacteria to touch the food…

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I never saw the second in my life aswell

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Well it depends on the food I make, tbh.

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