alright i need to test if i’m insane
Does ‘alt right pipeline’ sound like a skateboarding term
- Yes
- No
0 voters
alright i need to test if i’m insane
Does ‘alt right pipeline’ sound like a skateboarding term
0 voters
i decided i had to answer first before saying it, but it would conceivably scan as a skateboarding term if it didn’t immediately evoke what it actually means so strongly lol
yeah I thought ‘obvious no’ but if I asked someone who knew nothing about politics and had a passing understanding of skateboarding the question, I think they would say yes
This is my internal logic while I was driving
yea probs
I think nbowie nailed it, yes but any of us are going to know exactly what it’s referring to immediately
thanks chat
hit a gnarly alt right pipeline skating the other day, you shouldve seen it
It works too well to not sound like one
I did a sick flip into a grind down the alt right pipeline
Before knowing what alt meant. I thought it meant communities with powers to do something while lurking in the shadows
Either that or alt-using raiders
ctrl alt delete
Is Loss a political statement
The pipeline that mightly does tricks with a single combined flick of the right alt button
I know cookie thread isn’t the best place to post in for financial advice, but am I insane for wanting to liquidate my stocks? I wouldn’t touch my longer term retirement accounts, but just my normal investment account? I feel like we’re on the cusp of a bubble bursting.
you are correct: cookie thread is not the bestp lace to post in for financial advice
you definitely aren’t Insane though. i can see where you’re coming from. but its an action with a certain amount of risk, as is staying in the market
and tbh staying in the market seems like a recipie for disaster to me too
maybe you should make an appointment with a finance expert or something
i know there’s two financial people here but they’re both not actually graduated so