i notice the usage of “not both” vs “both not”
i know this too based off the knowledge that you know
Are you a logician in a puzzle perhaps
you, my friend, have green eyes.
anyway back to math
i can name people 30 minutes away from me that are on this site but not in cookie thread. although i have been in the same building as some people on fol. qbcord benefits.
It’s gonna be the reveal that two FoLers have been married the entire time.
Achro lives in Georgia so somewhere near me
I invited someone from IRL onto here but they only played one game
town winrate stays in shambles need to lock in
I have my new pfp next to my new title, you’re welcome
fol’s 9/11
Hey uh… Achro is retired, right?
I love how onion is so overshadowed and outdone by garlic at every single moment in time
Onion is so bad
yet garlic is so good
Me & Lilith
is a good bet
I am like 47 miles away
not sure if anyone beats that
changed acc name
If so… What do we do with his games from the queue’s WIP?