Last poster before threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread (Part 7)) (Part 8)

is he drowning at the place im supervising? if so its my job to save him and will do so. otherwise i have to go to work

35:07. NGL, it looks way harder than it actually is once you start coloring the tiles.

I donā€™t have hisvoice in my head


ā€œFill the grid with digits, [ā€¦]ā€

First thought (not started yet): ā€œWhy digits specifically? Why not just say ā€˜standard sudoku rulesā€™? Zero is also a digitā€¦ā€

big spoiler

Well, you found where to look.

(I was stumped for almost an hour, before realized 0 is a digit as wellā€¦)

What... am I looking at?

If I choose blue, then 2 has to be in C2R9, which makes the white kropki dots wrong because 1 is already in C3R9.

If I choose yellow, then there is no room for 2 in block 4.


Wait, no. That still doesnā€™t help.

Unlessā€¦ Kazā€¦ Is the ā€œblack kropki ruleā€ non-commutative!?

Wait, noā€¦ That still doesnā€™t make sense.
ā€œWhen two digits are separated diagonally by a large circle, one of them is two times the other.ā€

For any pair with a 1, it is forced to have a 2 as its partner.

Andā€¦ two times zero is still zero, so no zero could be inside a large circle, because otherwise it would repeat. (Well. Except the large circle bordering blocks 4, 5, 7, and 8.)

What do you mean?

The kropki rules means from A and B, at least one of them is 2 times as the other.

Two 0s statisfy the rule since 0x2 is in fact 0

Okay, so I didnā€™t miss out on that ruleā€¦
Wait. Why did it say ā€œwhite dotsā€ instead of ā€œwhite kropki dotsā€?

Is it a detail devil again?

ā€œSeparate consecutive digitsā€“ā€

Bigger spoiler:

There are 6 ā€œregularā€ kropki numbers (123468), but c4, c7 and r6 all require 7 kropki numbers, so those definetly have a ā€œnon-regularā€ kropki number (aka 0)

Yes, but technically, noā€¦

While a white dot is equal with a two line renban, two dots are already more restrictive than a 3-long renban.

Thanks for this tip.
I genuinely didnā€™t think about it.
(Nor did I notice it.)

ā€¦? No? It is a renban line, because otherwise there is no answer for this:

It isnā€™t.

the real answer

Once you start using 0, you wonā€™t have to place every digit from 1 to 9 in a box. (Since you canā€™t put 10 numbers in 9 cells)

ā€¦? I already know thaā€¦
Oh. You can have both 0 and 9.
I thought 9 was removed.

Status update:
Stuck. Reset at 30:58.

omg i used to have to break down cardboard at my old job and I got SO MANY cuts on my hand from the cardboard


Guys do you want to see my ā€œupper level linear algebra quizesā€ that are SOOOO hard according to other people in my my class (we have taken 3 quizzes and Iā€™ve got perfect scores on all but one which was 23.5/25

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