thats wild
das crazy
also this being the first game is peak
eliza u cant just say that the game is still ongoing lmao
oh nvm
no we lost
All the mods being on Eliza’s was crazy
Least scuffed codenyames game i love yoy guys
for the record, I also play mtg
I just don’t talk about it a lot, though I’ve mentioned it before
holy shit L spymaster
except orange but orange is explicitly not a mod
ye i was goin for ishmael/nbowie with that one
ill be an operative this game it was hell having to hold back my likes
i also play mtg and am (probably) playing it with eliza tonight
i thought it was daeron bc they both play mtg and ARE mtg
2R1B red was a little cheaty but I considered it revenge for moderators
litten for KoTC being neutral and BENGUINED BEING THE ASSASIN FOR “quizbowl” IS CRAZY