As you can see I feels like biting ankles today
ooooh i wanna hear whos gossiping about me
If you had to choose between being late for work or running over a bears cub what would you do
id run over the bears cubs fan. they deserve to be put out of their misery
i know someone who’d do worse to get to work on time
i also know someone who’d run over a bear cub for fun
Have you considered doing your aqquitantws
Dumping aqq I’m ajts
I don’t know how to spell that word
Q is dumb
litten i genuinely have no idea what you’re trying to say
We need a litten translator
let’s look up my edgy backstory (i have done this in several other servers and will reroll the last one if its 1-30 because BOOORINGG)
@discobot roll 4d100
71, 54, 47, 43
An abolth captured my previous adventuring party WHY THE FUCK DO I KEEP BECOMING A LAWFUL GOOD STICK IN THE MUD
@discobot roll 1d100
I figured out how to spell it but I want may to translate it for me
and now I must become stronger