Last poster before threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread (Part 7)) (Part 8)

jorge luis borges has been dead for years i’m afraid


I see. Different cultures maybe, your friends are upper middle class or upper class, driving mercedes benz, so being seen as virtuous by their peers is probably very important to them. Ive never experienced this i think. Usually my friends would all ignore it and dont talk about it

Yeah I mean there’s a reason I’ve been carefully stating “among the people I know” as I’ve been talking here. The class of people in the regions I’m around are the kinds who have been raised to be Empathetic and Caring in theory but who generally don’t have much of a culture of altruism in practice. And it causes them distress. And they develop cope mindsets about it

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my friends and i are upper middle class and nobody pretends to give a fuck about the drunk homeless people we see on a night out

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this might be more of a culture thing than a class thing
altruism is rarer in the UK, so is interacting with random strangers


Are you sure youre upper middle class? As opposed to just middle? Even I have an AC. Does that make me the top 1% as oppoosed to you?

Suddenly I got reminded of Daeron who buys a momitor for thousands of pounds and has excess money to bet 1k pounds on US elections, but he can’t get a net for his door and is invaded by millions of flies


Yeah I think a decent amount of it’s region/culture, too, and I think a lot of it’s specific to more recent generations. Northeastern US sees itself as the Liberal Caring part of the country a lot. Don’t think that was as true before, like, Trump


Whats up with you british people spending so much on leisure but not having basic comfort in your living spaces? :sob:

im not sure because its kinda arbitrary - but my family is all educated at university, my dad is a doctor, mom doesn’t work / is a housewife, went to private school, extended family less-so for all of this but im not sure how much that matters

oh also yeah i have received pronunciation


half of them were better off than me too, i remember someone’s mom was lewis hamilton’s lawyer or something ridiculous

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This is a neutral observation: tutuu, you have a way higher propensity to generalise than I do


Having a university degree is pretty common nowadays

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I’ve noticed this in the past a lot and it also feels ocnsistent with how much you like personality quizzes. You’re always trying to find out facts about groups from your interactions with individuals. “Queer AMAB people love Ryan Gosling” or “British people don’t spend much on their living spaces compared to leisure” from n=2. It’s so different from how I think


I don’t think british people do what I claimed they did. After I remembered Arctic doesnt have an AC, I remembered Daerons story. Then I rembered theyre both British. That formed a connection and I exaggerated because its amusing for me to


i do have AC it’s just not built into homes here


I purposefully exaggerate or say absurd things very often. Its amusing to me. N=2 is enough for me to become amusing

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Ah fair enough


honestly i think you could have gotten away with it before 2021 but with how hot summers are getting now i don’t think it’s viable, i expect AC to start being built into homes


yeah of course
if someone calls you out on something it was a joke or you were exaggerating

but only if they call you out on it