Once you have a certain amount of money, the money you have is doing you substantially Less Good for you than it would in somebody worse off’s pocket. Does that mean you’re morally obligated to give it away? Dunno, man, but most people that I’m aware of broadly don’t. If it’s a standard of goodness, it’s one most people largely fail. I don’t like when people deny that fact
I havent met anyone who believes giving people to homeless people would make their lives worse. More money is good. I cant take that sentence seriously
You should be aware of scammers because not being scammed is good. If you dont live in an area with a lot of scammers you are less likely to be vigilant and aware of it. People adapt to their environment
“I dont have excess money to give and/or this person seems threatening and/or manipulative, therefore i dont want to give them money” - is my mindset, and what ive seen from people
i beg your pardon?
A big part of it is that I have a personal preference toward, like… I’d rather somebody be fully aware they’re doing a shitty thing than be in denial about it. I’d rather be around somebody you could call “malicious” than “ignorant”. Because I prefer straightforwardness, just, like, as a personal thing. People who deny their own motivations are somewhat unpredictable
I forgot you did that. Youre a robot so it’s okay
i am definitely one of the people May is talking about
i think i have strong morals but im not very altruistic and maybe that means i dont actually have good morals but i just cope about it
Hi Litten
If you havent personally seen and been subjected to a lot of crime you are less likely to act in self-preservation when it comes to strangers
Yeah. I’m obsessed with clarity & knowledge & such and I try to cope as little as possible just cause it makes me feel like I’m better able to assess things. And I have high intrinsic self-worth so it’s not really, like, a Problem for me to understand in my head “yeah I’ve been fairly selfish and my behaviour hasn’t aligned with my morals”. Usually that’s the kind of thing that motivates me to stop being so
Hi may
Blah blah blah I only mention talking to strangers on the street 'cause I was out with friends recently and we walked past a man asking for money and once we were out they all immediately started justifying why they did it. Doesn’t have to be literally strangers on the street. Can be monetary charity donations or volunteering or whatever. People tend to be the same about ~all of it
Can’t all these incidents happen when I’m around to witness them?
May will you sail to Ithaca to get Jorge to turn the live stream on
Upstate New York? Seems kinda far
did peter singer get to you too
I just looked at the world