Last Stand of the Virtuous 5.5 - Day 5 (9/17)

I respect that
Achro’s treatment of derps has me completely urked

Oh huh. Sorry for assuming. I am curious as to how you specified that you don’t have “concrete” evidence but didn’t deny the idea of having evidence. You seem really adamant about Derps being evil. Can you at least let us know if you reached this conclusion via social reads or something with your ability? I don’t want to put a target on your back, but if you have information here that could help us get a scum out, we need it.



sorry not game relevant but i giggled love the gif use

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@Chomps are you willing to commit to your claim that you can self-confirm?

I have high expectations of Derps. My memory sucks (e.g., I nearly forgot I spent days to make twenty setups to get Wazza to drink twenty shots), but even with my crappy memory I still remember that Derps can play good enough to make reads after two day phases.

I am not even asking for much. He has a POE, and I am asking for his Top 3 Scumreads. He could’ve BS’ed or just picked three randomly, but he isn’t giving me anything to work with. Presently, I cannot accept any world where this Derps is a villager. I am giving him one more chance, but otherwise: Give me a gun.

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I don’t understand why so many people are confused about what self confirming is lol

yeah nothing can stop my self-confirm that easily

Thank you! I made myself laugh with it too lol. :heart:

My reaction to seeing that Chomp’s post IRL was saying aloud “WHAT DO YOU MEAN?!”
So I wanted to find a GIF that accurately fit how I am feeling. I think I found a good one XD

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im remaining on carbonated, because I think chomps genuinely believes they can self-confirm, when they most certainly can’t

but also because im willing to lose the game to chomps if they’re scum.

wait i jrealized what people meant when they said bionic=chomps i’m so stupid

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are both carbonated and derps worth lynching

That’s like actively going against my wincon why would I lie about my reads lol

Whether you will give it or not (or even whether you will give a gun or not), I’ll leave it to you.

Just note: If you do give me a gun, then Derps will die first. (Achro second. Not sure who’ll be third; I’ll let Frost decide this.)

why don’t you read both of them and find that out for yourself?

I’m also on my phone not my computer and I’m much less productive when I’m not at my computer

This is an interesting statement. What separates Chomps and Carbonated for you? Like, why would you be against the inverse? :thinking:

i mean ig i could too but i’m not really sure what would happen to me if i did :woozy_face:

because I think chomps thinks they can self confirm which makes them town