Last Stand of the Virtuous 5.5 - GAME OVER, UNSEEN AND ANGEL WIN

It has long since been said that those who do not know history are doomed to repeat it. The Unseen thought they had won, that they were safe, that they could continue in their corruption.

They were wrong.

Welcome to Last Stand of the Virtuous 5.5!

Hosted by @ElizaThePsycho, @IcetFeelsPain and @Amelia

Special thanks to @Geyde


  • Global Site Rules
  • Do not post in languages other than English, edit/delete posts, like posts while dead/during night, utilize shared/hydra accounts, utilize multiple accounts, use polling/wiki features, attempt to mimic host messages, post fake quotes of other players, or spam/slank excessively.
  • Do not cheat. Announcing intention to cheat, yet not acting upon it, will still confer punishment.
    • Do not gamethrow or sabotage games. You are permitted to play terribly, but doing so with the intention to troll will confer punishment.
    • Do not discuss host decisions or replacements in the game thread, especially to gain an in-game advantage.
    • Do not employ out of game information in order to get an in-game advantage. This rule will be enforced loosely with the exception of alignment indicative information, which should instead be made known to the host and will be handled appropriately.
      Try not to enable other players to do this either. You can help by not talking about the game outside the game thread.
    • Do not attempt to weaponize the host.
    • Do not announce intent to replace out, or make posts that could easily be interpreted in that manner.
    • Do not strategically replace out.
    • Do not attempt to abuse loopholes in the rules in order to accomplish any of the above. If you are not sure if something is legal or not, communicate such to the host in your PM.


  • Days are 48 hours, nights are 24. There is a Day 1 execution.
  • The Blue Dragon or Hand of Byzantium will communicate through a special discord server or forum PM.
  • If it is guaranteed that a certain faction will win the game, the game will end. This includes actions by players who have voted to nightskip, if all of them being locked would end the game.
    • If the game would be decided based on timing (not only usage) of certain Day actions (including voting) then the game ends in a victory for the Blue Dragon and Hand of Byzantium (and any applicable neutrals) instead.
  • Individual roles are randomized. What roles are in play, however, are decided by the hosts. I will usually try my best to defy the player’s expectations.
  • You may leave behind a logbook to be posted upon your death. Logs are capped at 200 characters.
  • Night actions are locked an hour before night ends. Day abilities are locked 2 hours before night ends. Certain Day abilities are locked earlier. Day abilities that bleed other players are locked 12 hours before day ends.


  • Voting is majority and plurality. If voting is tied, it is randomized among the tied players.
  • “No Execution” is always a valid vote, and always wins ties.
  • Vote manipulative abilities cannot trigger majority.
  • The entire game will be informed publicly from the host in public chat if the King ever chooses to use Grand Trial or Sword of Damocles and on who.


  • Bleeds are a status ailment that may be inflicted on a player. Bleeds can be separated into 2 categories, day bleeds and night bleeds.
    • Day bleeds will kill the player in 2 nights.
    • Night bleeds will kill the player the following night.
  • Players will be informed if they are bleeding.
  • Bleeds can be removed via healing, or via abilities that can cure bleeds.

Royal Blood

  • Royal Blood is a passive on certain roles. Royal Blood only applies if you started as a class with Royal Blood unless otherwise stated.
  • If your class changes, your Royal Blood status will not change.


  • Framed players appear as a member of the Blue Dragon or the Hand of Byzantium.
  • Framed players appear to be visiting the factional kill.
  • Framed players appear as Killer / Offensive, or Special / Investigative if they are a Killer / Offensive class.
  • Frames only affect members of the Unseen.

Role List

King :crown: (60% Corrupted , 40% Righteous / Purified )
Visionary / Arbiter
Heroine / Random Hand of Byzantium Convert
Random Blue Dragon Convert / Random Hand of Byzantium Convert
Random Unseen
Random Unseen
Random Unseen
Random Unseen
Random Unseen
Random Unseen
Random Unseen
Random Unseen
Random Unseen
Random Unseen
Random Unseen
Random Unseen
/ Random Neutral Non-Killer
Random Neutral Non-Killer

Every Card + Conversion/King Chart


The Elected King :crown:

Faction Special

Pass the Torch (Passive) - If you die, there will be a vote held to crown the next King.
Head of State (Passive) - You have access to the following effects:

  • You are immune to occupation and redirection.
  • If the day ends in a tie & you are voting one of the tied players, they will always be executed.
  • You cannot be targeted or detected by abilities without a :crown: & your abilities do not count as visits.
  • If you had Royal Blood or were a neutral, you keep your previous class and have this class in addition to it. If you had Prestige, you have only this class. If you had neither, you keep your primary (listed first) night ability and no others. If you had both Prestige and Royal Blood, you keep your previous class and have this class in addition to it.
  • If you were the Visionary, you keep Call to Arms! and Persuade; promotions function as if you were the Visionary still. . If you were the Heroine, you keep Eliminate and no factional kill is unlocked until you die. If you were the Arbiter, you keep all of your abilities and no promotion occurs until you die.
  • You may only perform any applicable factional kills if you are the last member of your faction alive.

Grand Trial (Day) - Put a player on trial, lasting 24 hours & possibly extending day. All other players may vote to pardon or execute them, and if executed the day ends. 1 use
Sword of Damocles (Day) - Publicly choose a player. If the day ends and no one was voted by majority, they are executed. Must be used within the 1st 24 hours of the day. 1 use

Your win condition is the same as your previous role’s.


The Marshal :shield: :crossed_swords:

Unseen Investigative

Scout (Day) - Learn if target player is visited by a member of the Blue Dragon or Hand of Byzantium tonight. You will know which faction viisted them if so. This only detects real visits, not fake visits. - Infinite uses

Expert Investigation (Night) - If target player is a member of the Blue Dragon or the Hand of Byzantium, learn their faction. - Infinite uses
Case Closed (Night) - Make yourself and target player immune to conversion tonight. - 2 uses

Defeat the Blue Dragon or Hand of Byzantium.

Converts into The Sheriff or The Agent

Converts into The Prince or The Warden

Converts into The Archer or The Duelist

Converts into The Archer or The Duelist

The Poacher

Unseen Killer

Stalking (Passive) - At the end of each night, every player who visited you silently gets a Bounty placed on them. Your Bounties disappear if you change classes. Your abilities only affect Bounties you’ve placed.

Illegit Bounty (Day) - Inflict Bounty on a player after tonight. - 1 use
Feint (Day) - Grant yourself death immunity tonight. - 2 use

Headhunt (Night) - Stalk your target. If your target has a Bounty on them, learn this and attack them. - Infinite uses
Pursuit (Night) - Monitor your target very carefully tonight. If they visit anyone tonight, inflict a Bounty on them. - 2 uses

Defeat the Blue Dragon or Hand of Byzantium.

Converts into The Hunter or The Thaumaturge

The Arcanist

Unseen Killer

Forbidden Grimoire (Passive) - You can have up to two Sigils active at a time, after which the first Sigil will expire. If you die at night, attack all players with a Sigil on them. Your Sigils disappear on class change. Your abilities only affect Sigils you’ve placed.

Arcanum Emperium (Day) - Move a Sigil onto another player if possible. - 2 uses

Sigil of Madness (Night) - Set a Sigil upon target player. - Infinite uses
Neverending Nightmare (Night) - Trap a player in a permanent nightmare, killing them in their sleep. - 1 use

Defeat the Blue Dragon or Hand of Byzantium.

Converts into The Hunter or The Thaumaturge

Converts into The Paladin or The Crusader

The Fanatic

Unseen Killer

Piety (Day) - Use Malleus Maleficarum on yourself tonight. You cannot use Malleus Maleficarum the night after using this ability… - 1 use

Malleus Maleficarum (Night) - Guards a target (does not protect them in any way). You will bleed a visitor to your target. If possible, you will bleed a non-Unseen member. - Infinite uses :crown:
Regicide (Night) - Attacks and kills a target. If you would kill an Unseen member, you will stop the attack and commit suicide, bypassing everything. - 1 use

Defeat the Blue Dragon or Hand of Byzantium.

Converts into The Paladin or The Crusader

The Enforcer

Unseen Killer

Garrison (Night) - Guard a player, granting them death immunity. If you successfully protect them from an attack, all protective abilities will fail on you for the rest of the game and you will visit and kill a second target player. You cannot kill the King. - 3 uses :crown:
Cold Steel (Night) - You may not use this ability until N3. Choose a player to attack. Cold Steel is disabled if it kills a member of the Unseen . - Infinite uses

Defeat the Blue Dragon or Hand of Byzantium.

Converts into The Knight or The Sentinel

Converts into The Knight or The Sentinel

The Servant

Unseen Offensive

Dutiful (Passive) - Immune to occupation and redirection.

Chaotic Wine (Day) - Poison the King. They will die in two nights unless healed. If they die this way and were Unseen, your abilities are disabled from now on and all votes for you to become the King are nullified. 1 use

Serve Wine (Night) - Occupy a player by getting them drunk. Can not target the same player twice in a row. - Infinite uses
Black Wine (Night) - Occupy everyone visiting you tonight by serving them a special kind of wine. - 1 use

Defeat the Blue Dragon or Hand of Byzantium.

Converts into The Butler or The Druid

Converts to The Butler or The Druid

Converts into The Drunk or The Overseer

Converts into The Drunk or The Overseer

Converts into The Physician or The Surgeon

Converts into The Physician or The Surgeon

The Timesnatcher

Unseen Support

Time Snatch (Day) - If you were to die tonight, delay your own death for 2 days. This works the same as Temporal Distortion, except that you cannot delay the same death twice with this and cannot redirect the death. - 2 uses

Temporal Distortion (Night) - Delays a player’s death for 2 nights if they die tonight. This will delay ongoing bleeding in addition to attacks. You can prevent a death multiple times. This counts as healing for all relevant interactions. You will know at the start of the following night if you delayed a death. - Infinite uses :crown:
No Time To Waste (Night) - Choose a death that you have delayed and a player. Redirect that death to that player. This counts as a normal attack and clears the delayed death. (The King can only be the first target). - Infinite uses :crown:

Defeat the Blue Dragon or Hand of Byzantium and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Converts into The Chronomancer or The Bard

Converts into The Chronomancer or The Bard

Converts to The Court Sorceress or The Eccentric

The Lunatic

Unseen Support

Royal Blood (Passive) - Each election vote for you during King elections counts as 2.
Tinkering (Passive) - If you successfully prevent a death or conversion with Magus/Steam Pulse or Magus/Steam Amalgamation, Magus/Steam Amalgamation will secretly have no effect the following night.

Magus/Steam Pulse (Day) - Release a M/S pulse around yourself, granting yourself death and conversion immunity tonight.- 1 use

Magus/Steam Amalgamation (Night) - Send a M/S Amalgamation to protect your target, granting them death and conversion immunity tonight. This can’t target the same player twice in a row. - Infinite uses
Magus/Steam Irradiator (Night) - Irradiate a target’s room, causing all players targeting them tonight to be redirected into targeting themselves instead. Redirected attacks will not kill their user. - 1 use

Defeat the Blue Dragon or Hand of Byzantium.

Converts into The Court Sorceress or The Eccentric

The Page

Unseen Support

Innocence (Passive) - You are death immune at night, once. This passive is lost after the second night, and will not take effect if you are becoming a different class via Ascending Villain.

Ascending Villain (Night) - Choose a dead non-unique Unseen class. You instantly become the chosen class. You may take a night action as your new class as well. - 1 use

Defeat the Blue Dragon or Hand of Byzantium.

Converts into The Squire or The Apprentice

The Duchess

Unseen Investigative

Royal Blood (Passive) - Each election vote for you for King Election counts as 2.

Bat Eyelashes (Night) - Learn your target’s class type grouping. Class type groupings are as follows: - Infinite uses

  • Killer / Offensive
  • Special / Investigative
  • Social / Support

Dark Wisp (Night) - Learn if your target has attacked another player over the course of the game. Includes tonight as well. - 2 uses

Defeat the Blue Dragon or Hand of Byzantium.

Converts into The Princess or The Actuary

Converts into The Princess or The Actuary

Converts into The Observer or The Watchman

Converts into The Observer or The Watchman

The Handmaiden

Unseen Investigative

Rumor (Day) - Make a player “last checked” in regards to Matchmake. - 1 use, cannot be used Day 1

Analyze (Night) - Test if a player is compatible with the player you last checked. Players are compatible if they can win together. Players with Royal Blood are always incompatible with other Royal Bloods. You will learn if this ability fails, or if you are redirected. - Infinite uses
Prying Servants (Night) - Select a living player and a night killed player. You will learn if the living player visited the night killed player on the night they died. You only visit the living player. - 2 uses

Defeat the Blue Dragon or Hand of Byzantium.

Converts into The Maid or The Socialite

The Marchioness

Unseen Investigative

Royal Blood (Passive) - Each election vote for you for King Election counts as 2.

Guest List (Day) - Tonight, learn how many different factions visited you tonight. Neutrals all count as one faction. - 2 uses

Faction Links (Night) - Select two players and learn if their class type groupings match. You will receive a positive match if they are the same class type, a good match if they are from the same class type grouping, and no match if they are from different class type groupings. Class type groupings are as follows: - Infinite uses

  • Killer / Offensive
  • Special / Investigative
  • Social / Support

Night Waltz (Night) - Select two players and learn if they share the same faction. Neutrals all count as one faction. - 1 use

Defeat the Blue Dragon or Hand of Byzantium.

Converts into The Maid or The Socialite

Converts into The Astrologer or The Governor

The Chancellor

Unseen Investigative

Kingmaker (Passive) - Your vote during King Elections counts as three votes.

Forged Documents (Day) - Each election vote for your target in King Election will count as 2 if they do not have Royal Blood. They may be detected by Trace Bloodline. - 2 uses

Trace Bloodline (Night) - Learn if your target has Royal Blood, or if they are visited by a player with Royal Blood tonight. - Infinite uses
Background Check (Night) - Secretly set your target’s vote during King elections to 0. Trace Bloodline will no longer detect your target, if it was able. You may use this alongside Trace Bloodline; you will not be seen visiting using this ability if so. - Infinite use

Defeat the Blue Dragon or Hand of Byzantium.

Converts into The Astrologer or The Governor

The Aristocrat

Unseen Social

Royal Blood (Passive) - Each election vote for you for King Election counts as 2.

Court Spies (Day) - Choose two players. Chosen members of the Blue Dragon or Hand of Byzantium will be removed from their faction chat until the start of the next night. They will be immediately informed that Court Spies was used on them. - 2 uses

Intrigue (Night) - Target a player. You will be informed if any of the following happen to them tonight: - Infinite uses

  • Your target was successfully Investigated.
  • Your target was successfully Occupied.
  • Your target was successfully Redirected.

Recrimination (Night) - Target two players. If your first target is executed and flips as a member of the Unseen tomorrow, you can choose to kill your second target the following night. You will only visit your first target. - 2 uses, :crown: (but only as the first target)

Defeat the Blue Dragon or Hand of Byzantium.

Converts into The Noble or The Magistrate

Converts into The Noble or The Magistrate

The Soulcatcher

Unseen Social

Black Mercy (Night) - Target a dead player who flipped Unseen. Use their primary (listed first) night action. You may target additional players, as the ability requires. Cannot be used on Killer classes. Each corpse may only be used once. - Infinite uses

Defeat the Blue Dragon or Hand of Byzantium.

Converts into The Priest or The Saint

The Illusionist :shield:

Unseen Social

Prestige (Passive) - You may not be the target of any ability while dead, nor may your role.
Mass Illusion (Passive) - You may anonymously send a message to to the rest of the thread at any time (3 times per cycle).

Mind Invasion (Day) - Create a private chat between two target players tonight. You may self-target. - Infinite uses :crown:

Private Matter (Night) - Gain a private chat for with your target for the rest of the game. - 1 use

Defeat the Blue Dragon or Hand of Byzantium.

Converts into The Mystic or The Librarian

The Archivist :shield:

Unseen Social

Prestige (Passive) - You may not be the target of any ability while dead, nor may your role.
Repository (Passive) - You start in a log network by yourself. At the end of each phase, players in the repository receive a transcript of the logbooks of every other player in the repository. Other players can leave the repository at any time. Passive kept on class change (except when becoming King).

Archive (Day) - Invites a player to the log network. The player must accept before joining. You may use this ability twice per day. - Infinite uses

Revoke (Night) - Remove target player from the repository tonight. This ability is resolved before players in the repository receive their transcripts. - Infinite uses
Censorship (Night) - Deactivates the Blue Dragon or Hand of Byzantium chat for the next day and night. - 1 use

Defeat the Blue Dragon or Hand of Byzantium.

Converts into The Mystic or The Librarian

The Plaguebearer

Unseen Special

Brew Potion (Night) - Use a potion tonight. You may not use the same potion again until you have attempted to use all 3 potions. - Infinite uses.

  • Truth Potion: Learn a player’s class type grouping.
  • Tar Potion: Occupy a player. You will be immune to occupation and redirection while using this.
  • Health Potion: Heal a player and cure any bleeding they might have. :crown:

Defeat the Blue Dragon or Hand of Byzantium and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Converts into The Alchemist or The Fortune Teller

The Sibyl :shield:

Unseen Special

Prestige (Passive) - You may not be the target of any ability while dead, nor may your role. If you spawn, then the The Alchemist and The Fortune Teller cannot be in play,
Inaccurate Fortune (Passive) - If your ability is to be occupied, the card you deal will instead secretly do nothing.

Fated Deck (Day) - You may use Major Arcana twice tonight. If you do, you must choose one card to be fake; the fake card secretly does nothing. - 1 use

Major Arcana (Night) - Deal one of the following cards to your target. They are not affected by it, but may use it as if it were one of their own abilities (usable alongside other abilities). Each is 1 use. You may not deal the same card again until you have dealt all available cards, nor may you target the same player twice. - Infinite uses

  • The Death (Day) - Kill target player in broad daylight. You may not give out this card N1. Once you have dealt this card, it is removed from the rotation and you may not deal it again
  • The Judgement (Night) - Learn target player’s alignment.
  • The Priestess (Night) - Heal target player and yourself. :crown:
  • The World (Day) - Occupy target player today and tonight.

Converts into The Alchemist or The Fortune Teller

Blue Dragon

The Physician

Blue Dragon Support

Remedy Studies (Passive) - Immune to bleeding.

Exhume (Day) - Target a player who has died at night. At the end of the next night, learn all classes that visited them on their night of death. - 2 uses :crown:
Drug (Day) - Make a player believe they are bleeding. - 1 use :crown:

Heal (Night) - Heal a player, preventing them from dying tonight, and cures poison and bleeding. If they are a member of the Blue Dragon, make them appear as a member of the Unseen tonight. - Infinite uses :crown:
Injection (Night) - Prevent healing from taking place on your target for the rest of the game. - 1 use
Concentrated Nightshade (Night | Call to Arms) - Poison the targeted non-Blue Dragon player. For the rest of the game until you die, they will occupy Unseen players they visit, and notify Blue Dragon players they visit. - 1 use

Defeat the Unseen.

The Chronomancer

Blue Dragon Offensive

Ebb and Flow (Passive) - Immune to occupation and redirection.

Pocket Dimension (Day) - If the targeted Blue Dragon member dies tonight, delay it for 2 nights & learn this. Can self target, but can not delay a delayed death. 2 uses

Time Warp (Night) - The targeted player will be redirected to whoever they chose the previous night. If that results in an impossible action, occupy them instead. Infinite uses
Distort Reality (Night) - If target player is bleeding, the bleeding will kill them tonight. 2 uses :crown:
Paradox (Call to Arms | Night) - For the rest of the game, your target will be redirected to whoever you target at night. 2 uses

Defeat the Unseen.

The Squire

Blue Dragon Support

Defensive Training (Passive) - You appear as The Page to investigations until after the third night or you change classes. This passive does not apply the night you change classes.

Take up the Mantle (Night) - Choose a dead non-unique Unseen class. You will become the Blue Dragon convert of this class (even if occupied) & may take a night action from this class. 1 use
Rising Star (Night | Call to Arms) - You will become Heroine immediately (even if occupied) & may take a night action as it. If alive, the current Heroine must choose a non-unique Blue Dragon class to become (even if occupied) & may take a night action as it.

Defeat the Unseen.

The Priest

Blue Dragon Social

Prestige (Passive) - You may not be the target of any ability while dead, nor may your role. If you spawn, then The Blasphemer cannot be in play.
Soul Protector (Passive) - If you started as The Priest or were converted from The Blasphemer , gain Voices of the Dammned, Will and Testament, and Screams of the Damned. You may choose for your Will and Testament abilities to do nothing. These abilities are multitaskable.

Soul Control (Night) - Target a dead player who flipped Unseen . Use their primary (listed first) night action. You may target additional players, as the ability requires. Cannot be used on Killer classes. Each corpse may only be used once. - Infinite uses
Unleashed Spirit (Night | Call to Arms) - Target a dead player who flipped Unseen. Use their Blue Dragon convert class’ Call to Arms night action. You may target additional players, as the ability requires. Cannot be used on Killer classes. Each corpse may only be used once, and is shared with Soul Control. - 1 use

Defeat the Unseen.

The Alchemist

Blue Dragon Special

Dabbling (Passive) - If you were converted from The Sibyl or started as The Alchemist, you have access to “Fated Deck” and “Major Arcana” abilities and have the effects of “Inaccurate Fortune” while using them, even if your class changes (except when becoming King). You know whether or not The Sibyl is in the game.

Brew Potion (Night) - Brew a potion for use tonight. Each potion must be used before the same one can be brewed again. Infinite uses

  • Health Potion - Heal a player and cure any bleeding they were suffering from. If you target a member of the Blue Dragon with this ability, you may additionally disguise them as a class of your choice.
  • Tar Potion - Occupy a player tonight and tommorow. You are immune to occupation and redirection while using this.
  • Truth Potion - Learn a player’s alignment and class type.
  • Molten Potion - Bleed a single non-Blue Dragon player visiting your target tonight. Their action will not be stopped.

Equivalent Exchange (Call to Arms | Night) - Use 3 potions tonight, without needing to brew any of them. You will only be seen visiting your first target. Does not change any cooldowns on Brew Potion. 2 uses

Defeat the Unseen and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Hand of Byzantium

The Bard

Hand of Byzantium Support

Aria (Day) - If a member of the Hand of Byzantium is executed today (including you), the factional kill may target 2 players tonight. 1 use

Allegro (Night) - Make the targeted player death immune tonight & hide their visits. Can target self. If you block an attack this way, gain a use of Crescendo . Infinite uses :crown:
Crescendo (Night) - If the targeted player is occupying, redirecting or attacking tonight, then they will bypass immunities, including granted ones. Whoever they kill will be mutilated beyond recognition, hiding their flip and logs. 1 use

Defeat the Unseen.

The Eccentric

Hand of Byzantium Offensive

Royal Blood (Passive) - Each election vote for you during King elections counts as 2.

Magus/Steam Mirror (Day) - Your target will believe they were redirected tonight, if they receive investigative feedback. 2 uses
Magus/Steam Field (Day) - All visitors to the targeted player will be redirected to themselves tonight. You can’t use the factional kill on them tonight unless you’re the only remaining member of your faction. 1 use

Magus/Steam Acid (Night) - If target player dies tonight, they will be mutilated beyond recognition, hiding their flip and logs. - 2 uses
Magus/Steam Golem (Night) - Tomorrow night, protective actions will fail on the targeted player. Your target will learn they were wounded. You may not use this two nights in a row. 2 uses

Defeat the Unseen.

The Apprentice

Hand of Byzantium Support

Prodigy (Passive) - You are immune to death at night until you change classes. Upon changing class, you may choose a limited use ability with no capability of killing & gain an extra use of it.

Rigorous Studies (Night) - Choose a dead non-unique Unseen class. You will become the Hand of Byzantium convert of this class (even if occupied) & may take a night action from this class. 1 use

Defeat the Unseen.

The Socialite

Hand of Byzantium Investigative

Royal Blood (Passive) - Each election vote for you for King Election counts as 2.
The Woman Behind the Hand (Passive) - If the starting Arbiter dies or changes class, either the chosen successor player or you will become the new Arbiter (your choice), and the other will not. You must decide within 24h of their death, or it will default to the chosen successor. If the day ends early and you have not chosen, it will default to the chosen successor. If the chosen successor is dead, you will automatically chose to become the new Arbiter. You appear as a member of the Unseen to investigations.

Guest List (Day) - By the end of the coming night, learn how many different factions visited you tonight. Neutrals all count as one faction. - 2 uses
VIP List (Day) - By the end of the coming night, learn which which players visited The Arbiter tonight. - 2 uses

Social Links (Night) - Select two players and learn if their class type groupings match. You will learn both their classes if they are the same class type, a good match if they are from the same class type grouping, and no match if they are from different class type groupings. - Infinite uses
Faction Links (Night) - Learn which Neutrals are in play. - 1 use

Defeat the Unseen.

The Saint

Hand of Byzantium Social

Prestige (Passive) - You may not be the target of any ability while dead, nor may your role. If you spawn, then The Blasphemer cannot be in play.
Redeemer (Passive) - You inherit abilities depending on your previous class. If you started as The Saint, choose which set to inherit. These abilities may be multitasked and are kept on class change (except when becoming King).

Benevolence (Night) - Target a dead Hand of Byzantium member. Remove this ability from your classcard and add a limited use ability from theirs. You will have the same amount of uses as they had when they died. - 1 use, uses refunded on fail

Defeat the Unseen.

Redeemer Abilities
The Soulcatcher
Black Mercy

The Blasphemer
Voices of the Damned
Will and Testament - Infinite Grace (Passive) - Each night, dead chat and you may vote on an ability for you to perform (ability list is the same as Blasphemer). Your vote always wins ties, and you choose on whom. Each vote contributes a soul to that action. You may choose that any ability performed this way does nothing, or that it has the effect of a different ability on all targeted players. You will only be seen visiting the first player that you visit by this passive.
Screams of the Damned

The Fortune Teller

Hand of Byzantium Special

Prestige (Passive) - You may not be the target of any ability while dead, nor may your role. If you spawn, then The Sibyl cannot spawn.
Righteous Fortune (Passive) - If your ability is to be occupied, the card you deal will instead secretly do nothing.

Fated Deck (Day) - You may use Major Arcana twice tonight. If you do, you must choose one card to be fake; the fake card secretly does nothing. - 1 use

Minor Arcana (Night) - Draw one of the following cards for your own fate. It will take effect on its target. You may not draw the same card twice in a row.

  • King of Wands: Learn target player’s alignment and class type.
  • King of Pentacles: Heal target player and cure their bleeding. You may choose a player for them to appear to visit, or their original target if none is chosen.
  • King of Cups: Occupy target player. Any investigations they use tomorrow night will also be occupied. You are immune to occupation and redirection while using this.
  • King of Swords: Make target player believe they started bleeding.

Major Arcana (Night) - Deal one of the following cards to your target. They may use it as if it were one of their own abilities (usable alongside other abilities). You may not deal the same card again until you have dealt 4 cards, nor may you target the same player twice. - Infinite uses

  • The Death (Day) - Kill target player in broad daylight. You may not give out this card N1. Once you have dealt this card, it is removed from the rotation and you may not deal it again
  • The Judgement (Night) - Learn target player’s alignment. - 1 use
  • The Priestess (Night) - Heal target player and yourself. - 1 use
  • The World (Day) - Occupy target player today and tonight. - 1 use

Your targets must be non-unique Unseen, starting members of the Blue Dragon or Hand of Byzantium, the Mage, or the Insurgent.

The Insurgent :shield: :fire:

Neutral Social

Adversity (Passive) - You are immune to death at night, once, but only while the Starting King lives. If the Starting King dies and was The Corrupted King, you appear as a member of the Blue Dragon or Hand of Byzantium from now on.

Sabotage (Day) - Occupy the King tonight, bypassing their natural immunity. 1 uses

Shelter (Night) - Heal and occupy the targeted player. They will appear as Unseen to faction checks. - Infinite uses
Final Uprising (Night) - Usable on Night 3 or later. Attack the King. If they die, you’ll start bleeding and will die the next night. - 1 use

Ensure the starting King’s faction loses at all costs.

The Strigoi :shield: :fire:

Neutral Offensive

Blood Sucker (Passive) - You and anyone you infect with Vampirism have the following passive. You will always know who is infected.

Vampirism (Passive) - You appear as a Neutral and a Killer to investigative abilities. You will not appear to visit anyone during the night.

No Pulse (Passive) - Immune to occupation and redirection.

Mist Form (Day) - All visits to you will be prevented this coming night - 2 uses
Blood Frenzy (Day) - All players under the effect of Vampirism will receive the benefits of No Pulse and will be healed if you successfully use Vampiric Bite. - 1 use

Vampiric Bite (Night) - Bites a player, infecting them with Vampirism, preventing healing on them tonight, and occupying them tonight.

Ensure at least half of the living remainder of the Court is infected with Vampirism by the end of the game. If all living players are infected with Vampirism, you leave the game victorious.

Conversion Chart

Conversion Chart

Unseen Class 1 Unseen Class 2 Blue Dragon Hand of Byzantium
The Duke The Prince The Warden
The Marshal The Sheriff The Agent
The Arbalist The Baronet The Archer The Duelist
The Poacher The Arcanist The Hunter The Thaumaturge
The Templar The Fanatic The Paladin The Crusader
The Enforcer The Infiltrator The Knight The Sentinel
The Servant The Forest Witch The Butler The Druid
The Alcoholic The Bureaucrat The Drunk The Overseer
The Herbalist The Plague Doctor The Physician The Surgeon
The Timesnatcher The Minstrel The Chronomancer The Bard
The Sage The Lunatic The Court Sorceress The Eccentric
The Page The Squire The Apprentice
The Duchess The Taxman The Princess The Actuary
The Nightwatch The Stalker The Observer The Watchman
The Handmaiden The Marchioness The Maid The Socialite
The Doomsayer The Chancellor The Astrologer The Governor
The Aristocrat The Judge The Noble The Magistrate
The Soulcatcher The Blasphemer The Priest The Saint
The Illusionist The Archivist The Mystic The Librarian
The Plaguebearer The Sibyl The Alchemist The Fortune Teller
Action Order for NERDS

Night Order

  1. Visit Prevention
  2. Occupation bypassing immunites
  3. Redirection bypassing immunities
  4. Immunity removal
  5. Normal Occupation
  6. Normal Redirection
  7. Normal Occ/Red where the user isn’t immune to occ/red.
  8. Protections
  9. Misc
  10. Attacks
  11. Investigations
  12. Conversion
  13. Investigations (visit based)

Death does not stop actions, however all feedback is replaced with You have died.

If there are conflicting redirections, all redirections fail and the ability proceeds as normal.

This night order may be slightly modified in cases in which the role intent is obvious.


Most Important Changes From Virtuous IV tl;dr

  • Every single card has been remade from the ground up again. Many, many abilities have been changed and reworked.
  • Conversion and role list overhaul; evils now start at the faction cap, and can’t convert for a cycle after an evil dies.
  • Blue Dragon now have a new and improved Heroine.
  • Removed the Neutral Killer.
  • Added 5 new Unseen roles: the Doomsayer, the Chancellor, the Templar, the Infiltrator, and the Sibyl (replacing Mortician). Also added respective converts.
  • Re-added Soulcatcher.
  • Neutral changes. Again.
  • Kings are different. There is still a Starting King, but they have Grand Trial and Sword of Damocles and a doublevote.
  • Other notable reworks: Poacher, Plague Doctor, Baronet, Forest Witch, Illusionist, Blasphemer, Soulcatcher, Nightwatch, Alcoholic. (Every role has been remade, but these are affected the most).

Most Important Changes from Virtuous V

  • A lot of extra refining has taken place.
  • The Blue Dragon no longer has promotion; instead, they can inherit Call to Arms and Persuade. Also, the Visionary has some new fancy abilities.
  • The Duke has been reworked. No more jails.
  • The Starting King has been changed, again. Now they have actual abilities, from a set of 3, that the host assigns to them.
    • Elected King now has opportunities to inherit previous abilities.
  • A few other roles have been reworked. These include Plague Doctor, Blasphemer, Alcoholic, Baronet, Arbalist, Minstrel, Sage, Judge, and applicable converts.
  • Exiled has been removed; Illusionist and Archivist are now paired. Duchess now pairs with the new Taxman.


  1. Canping
  2. Jarek
  3. Chomps - Executed Day 3 - The Judge
  4. Zone
  5. Hazard
  6. Sayno
  7. SirDerpsAlot - Shot Day 3 - The Angel
  8. pandora - Executed Day 1 - The Sage
  9. Kelsier → Rowen
  10. jail - Died Night 3 - The Nightwatch
  11. Frostwolf
  12. beancat - Executed Day 2 - The Arbiter
  13. Achromatic
  14. MepryDerpy → Ash
  15. Daeron
  16. Kiiruma
  17. carbonated - Executed Day 4 - The Overseer


will be updated later


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The game will begin in roughly an hour.


Day 1 flavor

To the public, the Unseen takeover was sudden and swift. One day, the old King of Adiart simply vanished, and the next there was another King, who announced the victory over the Hand of Byzantium as well.
There were little who survived to tell the tale of the long conspiracy that came before, and even fewer who would want to expose the Unseen secrets.

Gradually, as the Unseen solidified their grip on their new Kingdom, everyone began to seal away their inner soul, in a heart that was corrupted by darkness.

But it would only take a glimmer of light to dispel the darkness and spark the fires of resistance. It was destined to happen one day. And when it inevitably did, the fire would spread.

The Council of the Black Rose are assembled. Their task? To destroy the new dawn that is coming. If only we can have unity, we will win just as surely as the sun will rise. Take up arms with me, brethern, and we will ignite the torch of defiance!

Let the gates open to the first day of the Council of the Black Rose!

Day 1 begins to end 2024-09-11T20:30:00Z! With 17 alive, majority is 9.

A list of when certain day abilities lock will be posted soon. This list is not comprehensive, and most day abilities lock at 2 hours before End of Day unless listed here.




votecount also incoming

what is this cringe XX:30 sod time


as usual I understand nothing mechanically about this game but I am here to find checks notes either blue or gold people I guess idk the minority tho

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I’m not the king so it’s rigged

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oh me neither
From what I understand there’s one mafia faction that’s etiher blue or gold and they are minority?
(someone help :sob: i read the op thirty times and i still don’t get it)

meh, mechanics are for losers I will just kill a gold or blue thing day 1 and then die night 1, as is tradition.

Carbonated is my mason buddy now


The following day abilities lock at 12 hours before End of Day:

  • Heroine’s Slit Skin
  • Arbiter’s Imperial Providence
  • Duke’s Unjust Sentence and Prince/Warden equivalents
  • Chancellor’s Forged Documents and equivalents will lock 1 hour before the election resolves, and unlock after the result is announced

The following lock normally desptie other rules

  • Templar’s By My Sword

Reminder that this list is not comprehensive.

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Alright, anyone rolefishing early on can and will be executed. I ask that everyone tries to not to give away being one of the strongest Unseen characters or not. I’ve been attempting to think about tactics and this was one of the first tactics notes I took. I am hyped up for what I’m playing as, hence starting this off with some mechanical talk. GLGL

Daeron as King though. Oh boy

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jarek is not king? rigged rigged rigged rigged

ok so what’s your role what does your role do does it interact with the king just a guess teehee

Hello! :wave:
Long time no see!

I will accept votes for king if and when daeron gets slapped

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Summon the elector counts