Last Stand of the Virtuous 5.5 - GAME OVER, UNSEEN AND ANGEL WIN

The reads of the wolf (Furry)

Canping - I feel like this slot early on was a bunch of nothing interesting, making small comments about how some mechanics worked. However, upon this post I felt like the slot was at least providing some thoughts even if they were concentrated on something I think was a tad unnecessary. My biggest gripe with the slot is how despite being around, the slot has early on mostly only interacted with Hazard and beancat, which feels a bit weird. Due to the fact that thereā€™s been some alright thoughts, but nothing of too much worth and Iā€™d rather this slot provides something more concrete, Canping is Null lean Town.

Jarek - Oh boy, let me preface this by say I hate the fact that this slot was rolefishing for Jail and that the slot also mentioning Prince could be a potential BD slip. However, I think overall the slotā€™s willingness to just prod and poke at me in this way is annoyingly towny, with these actions feeling like something a player is doing fully aware of it and a wolf might not want to attract the attention of another onto them. Due to this Jarek is Moderate Town, but I want to see what comes of Jarekā€™s read on Jail and whatnot.

Chomps - If you could make like 5 of your posts into 1 itā€™ll be more worthwhile of a read because the amount of posts compared to the amount of content does not add up. The fact that this slotā€™s first actually decently sized post is here, more than 15 posts in to their ISO is not a great thing. The post itself though is decent. Iā€™m not exactly sure of the slotā€™s progress of saying Jail scumslipped (even after reading it) but I feel like it comes from town Chomps more often than a wolf trying to stretch, meaning that this slot is Null Lean Town.

Zone - This slot is my Top Town and let me tell you why. I feel like Zoneā€™s posts and progress so far in this game seem to flow together pretty perfectly and as a result I feel like some of Zoneā€™s reactions can be a bit more stinted than they are currently in this game. Zone also trying to take some amount of control over things and pointing people at each other would be an ā€˜Unnecessary riskā€™ to W!Zone, yet has taken place in Zone pointing Jail to pick me and me to be considering Jarek just for 2 examples. I feel like the reads and content from this slot is what I can agree with the most as a whole, making me confident Zone is a fellow towny.

Hazard - Oh boy my friend, letā€™s see how this goes for us, huh? Overall so far the Aussie seems to be relatively towny when comparing this slot to previous games heā€™s participated in. I do think at the very least, Hazard is very unlikely to be neutral because of his interactions so far. Hazard typically being a more comfortable player if in a team with people heā€™s comfortable with or just seeing a green card and hoping people can read him as he reads others.Similar to some previously mentioned, I think this slot is Moderate Town.

Sayno - Say more. Null

SirDerpsAlot - I feel like a lot of things by this slot so far are questionable. I wasnā€™t a fan of the slotā€™s intro and when comparing Derps to what I can expect out of his slot as town a lot of it feels underwhelming. As Iā€™ve mentioned earlier in my ISO I believe that Derpsā€™ read on Frost is flimsy and surface level, while Derpsā€™ read on me is frankly non-existent which makes it even worse than it already was. As a result, this slot is Null Lean Wolf. The only reason why this slot is not more wolfy is because I feel like the slot would be more cooperative as wolf so as to not attract attention upon himself.

pandora - I donā€™t really need to repeat it for the 4th time but Iā€™m going to anyway so that this can be a legacy if by some miracle evil finds me too threatening to leave alive despite being a low poster who often gets mis-executed. This slotā€™s opener was frankly terrible and felt like set up to fly utr. Other slots within the ISO also do not inspire confidence, leading this slot to be my Top Wolf.

Kelsier - This slot doesnā€™t stand out much to me which is usually quite a bad thing. And, well, for good reason. The slotā€™s done so little that thereā€™s not much to comment on. The read on Merpy seemed like a vibe read due to a lack of explanation and other than that the slotā€™s really just been nothing. This slot is True Null.

Jail - If this slot is a wolf, then the random convert can get nightwatch based information in most worlds. Overall however, I feel like he is reading fine to me and I do want to see more quality content rather than quantity of posts in the end as that will help the slot to be more readable which is +ev if good. I will recognise however that others seem to think that this slot might have scumslipped and therefore that does mean that the slot is only Null Lean Town in the end, not any higher since I can see where some others are coming from.

Frostwolf103 - Similar to Kelsier, nothing about this slot stands out in my head as Iā€™m making this readslist, this is quite bad though considering the sheer discrepancy in numbers between the slots. The whole watch list thing was a bit weird to me but Frost often makes someā€¦ mechanically questionable plays in games (E.G. Shot groups in FAM). I kinda want this slot to be town telling more than it has been because if Iā€™m thinking about the mid posters, this is probably one of the more wolfy ones at this time. Frost is True Null because despite liking some posts, I feel like the slot is often more obvious as town than Frost currently is.

Beancat - Sheā€™s a player who Iā€™ve played with plenty in the past, however, as aforementioned in my ISO, I feel like her willingness to go along with the king things early on is a bad look for her. The posts provided are also quite short and snappy (Similar to Chomps) which makes the slot a lot more difficult to be able to read for quality. This slot is Moderate Wolf especially considering the only really noteworthy interactions have been with carbonated and those havenā€™t been awe inspiring. The most recent chat about the use of Illusory messages also didnā€™t contribute anything of real worth and instead seems like an attempt to inflate post count without providing a solve or direction.

Achromatic - This slot is one of the most likely ones to be converted. Letā€™s just start it off with that simple fact. I believe that Achro so far is starting Non-Groupwolf because heā€™d be more attentive and ask about more questions to the hosts so he can lead his team. So far it feels like heā€™s not done as much and instead presumed some mechanics incorrectly which is ironically towny. I want to see more of this slot since heā€™s often skilled at solving games, but for now Achro is Moderate Town.

MerpyDerpy - As Merpy mentioned within her ISO the only times weā€™ve really played together were among us and within those I feel like she was often a bit more quiet as imposter, allowing town to turn on themselves and only stepping in when necessary to do so. In this sheā€™s been decently vocal and has been solving which as a result is relatively towny from my experiences with her. I do feel like for the amount of posts she has, there are some which feel a bit weak or unnecessary, however overall this slot is Null Lean Town.

Daeron - This game having started off as a threat to their life, being executed off false premises, the earlier interactions donā€™t mean too much to me. However, I feel like as the game has gone on I like the direction which Daeron has lead the thread and the progression within their posts. I personally would say that we are likely to have a Good King, however I think itā€™s a foolā€™s errand to underestimate Daeron and so I think keeping an eye on the slot as the game progresses makes sense.

Kiiruma - The pink wolf of FoL whoā€™s 99% mechanics, 1% socials and 100% nonsense when it comes to anything involving luck. Put your faith in my hands and I donā€™t know how well that will go for you but I can guarantee it will be entertaining, thatā€™s for sure. I am Lock Town and yes I did just type all of these colours out. Was it worth it? IDK, but it looks cool and Iā€™m putting effort in.

Canping - This slot for the most part is kinda uninteresting to me. I liked the questions said in this post but it isnā€™t exactly AI either way. This, on the other hand makes me think that Hazard and Canping arenā€™t starting off as W/W either way because it feels a bit weird to say to a teammate. I think that this slot has a decent chance at flipping wolf, however due to the posts overall being mixed, this slot is True Null. I feel like between Canping and beancat there likely is a wolf but weā€™ll see.

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The bottom one should be Carbonated not Canping. I was doing reads in order from top to bottom and I kinda just zoned out near the end as I was typing the name.

And I even ended up posting posts not by Carbonated. So let me just clear off and sort that out again. Fml lol. I was doing a draft then lost it then redid it and then used the wrong fucking posts lmao

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Carbonated - Congratulations you get your own section because I fucked up first time. I feel like your posts overall have been kinda nothing due to the questions about the illusory stuff and whatnot. The slot itself doesnā€™t have many interesting interactions and I wish Iā€™d see a bit more that could be AI, the slot seems happy to go with the flow as can be seen here. Wanting to kill off pandora (The biggest wagon) or Beancat (A player pushing against Carbonated too). I did somewhat like explanations as to why in a later post but I feel like in the end the slot can consider more things but has failed to do so and there is, as I remembered True Null.

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why the hell are yall still hung up on this
like youā€™re the 5th sepearate person to bring this up and itā€™s getting to the point that some of yall have to be wolves looking for LHF

RVS = random vote
what does the s stand for again

basically the phase at the beginning of the game that people vote for memes

Aye. My initial impression of this gameā€™s setup isā€¦ ā€œtwo moderately balanced ToS setups stacked unto one anotherā€. It gets better over time, as you adjust to the wackiness of the roles. The adjustment is not exactly something that can be done over one night, so just take your time. Prioritize social deduction over mech play first.

And for those who donā€™t want to read my wall:

Jarek, Achro, Hazard
Merpy, Jail, Chomps
Sayno, Kelsier, Frost, Carbonated


Stage. Random Voting Stage.


the last one seems like its still about me, according to the links you put, they are referring to my posts
am i true null or null lean town?

Ok so I used the right links but the wrong name. And itā€™s caused me to think Iā€™ve used the wrong links, my mindā€™s fucking frazzled lol. I feel like youā€™re Null with a very slight Town lean. The Null being closer because I mean Iā€™ve come to that conclusion a few times it seems despite my mind being wack

i am starting to think ignoring jail went too far, i still need jail to explain why they voted me out of nowhere

this is ok

valid, considering it appears iā€™ve overread hazardā€™s posts from an outside view. but i still stand behind my thoughts. but that is already resolved


this does not mean my vote would be on jail

i think today is pandora/beancat too but it was weird i had to point this

sell me on pandora/beancat

do i need to say more on bean?


okay yeah but also jumping on the second vote (VOTE DAERON) is much weirder than being like (VOTE CARBON) which would be truly random since you are essentially piling on Daeron

if anything from my qbcord experience 2nd, 3rd votes on people are the most scum indicative!!

aw iā€™m honored :heart:

overall though i think pretty good posting

[The following reads were made out of order.]

  • Canping - ā€œDoes not want King dead.ā€ Fading impression. Null. (Otherā€™s impression: Opportunistic. Bad.)
  • Jarek - Rolefishing bad. However, Zone did not properly check (nor remember) Jarekā€™s ISO. Conclusion undefined. (Bad impression.)
  • Chomps - Bad, fading impression. Donā€™t remember at moment of writing, but impression is bad. Scumlean.
  • Hazard - ā€œDoes not want King dead.ā€ Fading impression. Null. (Otherā€™s impression: Good?)
  • Sayno - Who?
  • Derps - Slanking; weird. No impression; weird. Personal impression of Derps: Knows me best, and can play very well. Why is Derps not memorable this time? Low presence is uncomfortable. GTH scum.
  • pandora - Does not seem to be willing to live. Does not defend herself: Can die for all I care. (Scumread; Town never surrenders.)
  • Kelsier - LHF. Slanker? Null.
  • jail - ā€œGuy who made reaction test post.ā€ Handled pressure well. Townlean / Townread.
  • Frostwolf - Content forgotten. (:cry:)
  • beancat - Low content quality, moderate context / flow quality. GTH town, butā€¦ conclusion null.
  • Achro - UTR; weird. Not knowing evil-to-King interaction; very weird. (Hypothesis: Agenda. Will treat as per usual. Long life = Kill on sight.) No strong impression. Conclusion undefined.
  • Merpy - Newbie. Asks many questions; good. (Odd feeling; felt like they shouldnā€™t be a newbie.) Townread.
  • Daeron - King. Bad initial impression. Good current impression. Proactive in scumhunting. Has own opinions. Not abusing power. Townlean.
  • Kiiruma - Zone is curious. Kii sounds trustworthy, but matter with conviction holds Zone back from properly townreading Kii. Struggling to townread Kii ā†’ Townlean.
  • carbonated - Content forgotten. (:man_facepalming:) Bad impression.