Last Stand of the Virtuous 5.5 - GAME OVER, UNSEEN AND ANGEL WIN

your thoughts about me hasn’t changed anything about you for me since its fair to think i might have scum slipped, but i know i didn’t

i was thinking you are towny if you need to know

they will have control over the king? how much voting power do you think they have?

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“more content” the rest of beans post are kinda fluff outside of a rejected scum read on carbon. which i felt bean let go too easily on looking at it

Mmn… Fair enough. Very well.

I don’t exactly have any criteria to read you either, so I’m currently taking jail’s word about townreading you based on meta. (Even though said meta is said to be unreliable due to circumstances …according to yourself.)

what i am saying here is that they can try to crown a town lean wolf, by control i mean this.

they do not know what alignment king is, if its Good King, then good for them,
but if its Evil King then they might gain lean over this (tho i’d not give them town points for doing so unless daeron gives themself away) and then nominate for king and ta da you have got a stronger evil king than before

not even talking about the conversion

look at this point its on speculation. I just wanted to see if you had thought behind your messages or you were just thinking stuff up on the spot. which i dont believe you are.
you are very much different compared to all the other games you have been in with me. i dont really know what to think of that cause it could just be a confidence boost which i believe is NaI anyway

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conversion shouldnt be an issue i believe until we kill a BD/HAND



I read shit.


Daeron said mentioned it too; about groupscum easily being able to become a new King. See, the thing is: Even if they are in the minority and have less votes than we do, they still have more coordination than we do.

We don’t know who we want as new King (if we decide to execute Daeron), and if we are to discuss about who we trust Today, then that just increases the odds of Actually, never mind. I just saw that evils can’t convert at N1 unless an evil non-King gets executed Today.

Okay, so long story short, the issues with executing Daeron are: “What information do we get from his death?” and “Who do we elect as the next King?”



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I was not talking about more content from beancat; I was talking about everyone’s content that were made after she left the thread.

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zone and canping both get town points for not knowing how the conversion works

hazard we ve only been in 2 games together recently and i died too early on both so

i was too busy in first virtuous so ppl executed me after ash, and in jackal returns i got executed d1, its ok to not have anything about me

ppl just dont like me


yes but one game i was evil and hyper vigilant of the thread. i watched ya talking.

why did you say Yup like you knew this from the beginning

and thats not true.

zone liked this post and i did too, why is this question is asked only to me?