Last Stand of the Virtuous 5.5 - GAME OVER, UNSEEN AND ANGEL WIN

:upside_down_face: :grey_question:

I’m going to be so honest: I only remember playing that last forum game with you because I think you were mafia. I mix you and Kiiruma up even out of forums. The only thing I distinguish you guys with is that we have played DBD together, and I think I’ve only played Among Us with Kiiruma :sweat_smile:

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Back to class :cry:

I didn’t know this.

the mechs are making me sad

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Wouldn’t it be easy to tell if there’s a mafia king about to be elected? If mafia’s intention was to vote in an evil king, wouldn’t it be likely that they would vote the current king and be one of the main advocates promoting their candidate? That’s why I feel like it’s too elaborate/open-wolfy.

What does the latter half of this mean (the part in parentheses)? Are you saying you’ve seen them as both good and bad alignments, or are you suggesting that they’ve acted differently on an alt account?

Ah that makes sense. Thank you! :+1:

Me becoming King is only something I would push if Daeron dies and an election starts. Because there is nobody I can trust more than myself. I am not doing this for the memes; I genuinely don’t want anyone else to have the King’s Sword of Damocles ability.

As for your vote: I get that votes are not something you ought to switch willy-nilly (because it’d give wagonomic readers a headache), but it is also worthless if you only use it at EOD. 20+ hours have already passed since SOD. How is that too soon? What exactly are you waiting for?

That’s a fair perspective. Didn’t really think about it that way. I just looked at it as too open-wolfy of a play to openly assassinate the king in broad daylight.:joy:

What does position-bound versus role-bound mean? Like what’s the distinction? Sorry if it’s in the rules. I’ll have to read more about that during my lunch break. Only reason I’m able to type a bit now is because the professor walked out to type up a schedule for our production. :spiral_notepad:

I wouldn’t go that far. The worst consequence of executing the King -regardless of his alignment- is the fact that we’d have to think about Tomorrow’s election.

Otherwise, with the evils unable to convert, the gameplay becomes a normal FoL / Virtuous experience.

. . .

Oh, and I guess the fact that we would be giving up a 3/15 odds of randomly voting out a groupscum is also a negative consequence.

That’s such a mood. The amount of times I’ve misidentified people in a forum is too many to count. I think I’ve done it like once every game. :joy::joy:

Wdym by they “would’ve asked about the King thing”? They were the ones who started the movement to vote the King, so I’m not sure what you mean by this point to town-read them. :thinking:

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Why Pandora specifically? Is it something they said?

E back to the grind :cry: :open_book:

It doesn’t tell us anything and putting pressure on specifically the king doesn’t put the squeeze on the groupscum. They aren’t going to react by trying to defend the king because they do not have TMI on the kings role.

If we vote their teammate though, they might try and defend them…

It is not easy, no. Evils are in no rush. If the King dies Today, then they try to become King Tomorrow. If King lives Today, then they check to see whether he contacted them (thereby joining their chat) or not. Regardless if King is good or evil, they can just try to push the King Tomorrow or at Day 3 by nitpicking about every little thing the King has or has not said and done.

I have tried to use mech twice and both times it has ended in failure.

But non mech it is very strange to go on a rant about people voting you being scum AI but not, like, attack me directly


So far I have given my opinion about ten players, not counting yours, Achro and Jarek. There’s Chomps, Hazard, Sayno, Jail, Kiiruma and Carbonated left I would like to know them better.

Pandora, Beans, MerpyDerpy and Canping are the slots I do want to be resolved today.

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