Last Stand of the Virtuous 5.5 - GAME OVER, UNSEEN AND ANGEL WIN

love you jarek <3

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Bro hes so fine


Also IIRC canonically gay? Based

I’d date the prince

Moving on Jail is still under scrutiny

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hmm how did the nightwatch claim affect your judgement?

That’s a weird way of spelling observer

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It’s the most nothing burger claim I have ever seen but the claim was so flippant that it’s probably real

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It’s likely the starting converted role if nothing else. I don’t think there’s an evil role otherwise that is 1:1 capable of faking nightwatch perfectly

I am back, and I will be picking up where I left off for backreading. Afterward, I can make a list of discussion topics for Jail and Carbon! :+1:


Hi! I’d recommend backreading. I am going to make a summary-esque post soon if you’d like to be included on that! (Although, it shouldn’t replace backreading).

Daeron (2): Achromatic, pandora
jail (2): Chomps, Jarek
beancat (2): Canping, Zone_Q11
pandora (2): Kiiruma, Frostwolf103
Canping (2): beancat, jail
Sayno (1): SirDerpsAlot

Not Voting (6): Hazardwaste, Sayno, Kelsier, MerpyDerpy, Daeron, carbonated

I believe I made a post regarding this, but I can readdress it if it helps. I noticed that they had some posts since I left, but I will just tell you what my thoughts on them are now before reading those newer posts (because I don’t want to lose my spot in backreading). If my thoughts on them change, I can let you know if you’d like.

They don’t strike me as townie atm. They came back and said not to vote them. They also explained that those who discussed their slot/exec-ing the king were sus, and that was about it. It’s not something I find townie imo as discussing someone’s slot doesn’t mean they’re going to be killed. It just helps weigh out the options. It feels a little too defensive imo, but I don’t know Daeron well enough to know if that’s the norm for them or not. I would say they’re like a null/scum lean atm. :thinking:

Thank you for taking the time to organize this! :heart:
I can sorta see where your head is at in regards to reads. I agree that looking into Pandora and Bean are good shouts as both seemed vote-happy with little-to-no explanation as to why. I want to hear both of their explanations and then go from there.

Can you elaborate on what “careful” entails? I see your explanation, but I don’t think I understand what you mean. It feels a little vague tbh. :sweat_smile:
Once you do define it though, I am curious as to what puts me under the category of “careful”. When I think “careful”, I think like detail-oriented/organized, and my messages do read like e-mails LOL.

Also, am I understanding correctly that the only person you trust atm is Jarek? Was it something he said? :thinking:

Convince you to vote what (or I guess “who”)?

Who is Kyo? :thinking:

I mentioned my thoughts about both of them in my message to Frost:

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What gives you this impression?

Is your reason for wanting to vote King the fear of an EK rand? :thinking:

THIS IS MY MEME u cant use it against ME

I mean, that was (and still is) my philosophy. If we can’t talk about our roles and the king doesn’t want us to discuss their slot, what exactly do we do? It becomes hard to coordinate when we bar the 2 game-solving topics. It becomes a pure-social game. I know that’s how some games like Mountainous go, but we have roles and other mechanical tools at our disposal. I’m just surprised we didn’t use it this time around. I remember the last forum game I played people were referencing their roles and whatnot since D1, and they became an active part of solving the game.

I’m not saying we need to go down a line and all claim our roles, but I was inquiring if there was a different topic we could discuss that would help us reach a more confident vote candidate. Does this make sense?