Last Stand of the Virtuous 5.5 - GAME OVER, UNSEEN AND ANGEL WIN

Pandora, beancat, SDA

Pandora’s my main scumread atm, not been a fan of opener or many of the slot’s posts overall. I do also think Pandora’s opening posts was very much UTR setup which is never towny. Pandora is Moderate Wolf and my most confident scumread at this time.

Beancat’s willingness to go with the King things originally without thinking much feels anti-town for the slot. A lot of the posts are short and snappy which feels like the slot is trying to fly utr. Beancat currently as a result is Null, lean Wolf

Derps’ intro isn’t pro town and just makes me think of an opportunistic neut. The slot’s read on Frost feels very flimsy and surface level considering what I expect from a slot like Derps. Derps is Null, lean Wolf for the aforementioned.

Yes it sucks that my top wolf reads are lower posters. However, I feel like for the small amount of posts that I find questionable of higher posters, I’m finding a higher proportion of posts questionsble for the lower posters.


As I’m sure you can tell, I am on mobile but still decided to do this. And uh yeah apparently lightred = blue.

I couldn’t remember the exact colors I used back in Don’t Starve. Might’ve been orange instead in which case, oops x3

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also to give context: I am much more willing today to give people who are actively attempting to solve/contribute more town points than usual
as I have said previously, thread state suggests scum are holding back because they’re content with thread.
I would not normally be this willing to lower the bar on what I consider to be someone actually trying to appear to solve


if we’re removing the pressure off beancat then I’m hopping to pandora so I’m not left on a vanity wagon

VOTE: pandora

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I’ll state that so far Dearon’s very much town coded imo. And I’d like it if we don’t kill the King until we think we have to (For the sake of keeping a neutral on side) or we start to read Daeron differently than we currently do.

I don’t like that the wagon has been consistent. Especially since King alignment is host decision. So we have no way to determine proportion chances.


okay now for canping

canping very early ditched the king talk and started solving
a lot of the people in my town pile are in my town pile due to the aforementioned thing about scum not having much presence here
also more recently I do not see canping unvoting you if they are scum. unless you are w/w. they could’ve been completely content with letting you be top wagon and not interfered

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these reasons might be incredibly silly but this is why I don’t think derps is scum

this is very specific and a very targeted derps read: derps does not do this as scum. he only has this very short progression as unseen. I would be more specific but my lawyers have advised me not to comment further

derps giving a unsolicited threadstate read is very villager coded

I also think derps voting rather than not at the end of his ISO is too reckless for a wolf
he’s fine for now

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ouchie after all I’ve done for us Unseen :cry: /j

will ISO again tdy to see if I favor a Beancat or Pandora vote. One one hand I do tremendously dislike Beancat’s 2nd voting (2nd voting meaning 2nd vote on wagon out of like nowhere–this I think is always a great spot for finding maf) but on the other hand Pandora seems so dodgy of any questions unlike Beancat

i am not home til 10pm today after this so please don’t kill me :point_right:t4: :pleading_face: :point_left:t4: will do my best to respond to things if pinged


well there’s the admittance of guilt

I feel like every post you make you’re always split on what position you’re going to take
very indecisive

can you link me your most recent 2 scum games, and most recent 2 town games?


this post flip flops four different times and doesn’t actually make a statement or conclusion, or rather it makes four different ones

And it happens again in this post!!!



–cough, ignore that. Have you genuinely read everything that has transpired until now? And if so: How much do you value your own convictions? If you say we should do something, then to what extent do you wish for that something to happen?

“I want to hear from beancat on the king vote” “But people dont know my play style” “But its too early to say anything”

“I can’t tell if it was a scumslip” “But I would not be opposed to killing jail” “But I also want to vote pandora or beancat” “But I suck at deciding who to vote out”

What kind of progression is this :sob:

I looked through The Picture of Dorian Gray FM where carbonated was town and in 122 posts they didn’t make a single wishywashy one

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why is this using these colors

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I was originally going to go with red/orange/green, like traffic light colours, but I didn’t expect carbonated to have flip flopped four times in a singular post and had to accomodate a fourth colour (blue)


Why is that using the colors of Uno?


I think it’ll show in recent scum games, and additionally I am also willing to disregard it if it appears in their most recent two town games, failing that Carbonated is a frozen wolf who is scared to commit and this is their scumtell and we should kill them over pandora because pandora probably flips viscount or insurgent

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can’t believe they plagiarized uno


uh minor issue I’ve only played as mafia once ever. :skull: on qbcord.
I’d be happy to link you it if I would receive permission from qbcord, which I can do right now, just let me know if you’d like me to do this.
I mainly play only on qbcord. If you’d like, I can link the games you if you’d like me to ask the higher ups.

Here’s FAM4: FAM4: Thread 8 - Days 5&6 (TOWN IS VICTORIOUS) - #7384 by Leafia (although I wasn’t alive at that point so you may have to find the other threads i think i died on like day 3 or smth like that)

Picture of Dorian Gray: The Picture of Dorian Gray FM - Day 4 (7/13) - Mafia Wins - #2334 by Arctic

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Ight imma say kiiruma is town

still not the biggest fan of them disliking the massping i did. but i think thats more of a self concious thing with someone calling me evil when i was only trying to help.