Last Stand of the Virtuous 5.5 - GAME OVER, UNSEEN AND ANGEL WIN

You would like me to explain my unwillingness to vote the King here? Sure!

Well, as I’ve mentioned previously, my understanding of the King is that the game is centered around the role. There’s a re-election process for it and everything. I still have yet to reread the rules admittedly, but from what I’ve gathered in thread, there’s also talk about how scum may just elect one of their own as King. I initially was worried about that too when it was first mentioned, but then I realized that we can also just coordinate in-thread prior to a vote on who the King should be on the chance that we do decide to exe the King.

However, I don’t want to vote the Daeron:

To add to my earlier thoughts with recent developments, Daeron seems townie. They’re being very articulate and clear with their intentions, and I agree with most of the things they’ve said so far. I think the only 2 things they’ve said that struck me as odd were:

  1. Them shutting down any discussion about their slot, but even then, they went on to later clarify that it was because they felt like the thread wasn’t going anywhere. Their intentions feel very pure, and that they want the best for us.
  2. Their read on my slot (which I am sure they will also clarify why they feel that way).

If this doesn’t help, I’d be happy to delve into my thought process more! :+1:

(Had to edit to move this last sentence to the bottom because phone FOL is doodoo lol).

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No. Don’t do her work for her.
Not unless you want to save her.
Which in turn would raise our overall suspicion on you. (Because there is zero reason for Unseen to save any other player besides themselves, especially if they don’t townread unseenread the other player.)

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Merpy seems v

I no longer like the idea of committing regicide

I mean, I can see that perspective, but I also understand that people have busy lives and other obligations. That’s why I couldn’t get to the discussion post list that I wanted to yesterday. Yesterday was so chaotic with schoolwork and the likes that I didn’t get a break until like 10 PM. :sweat_smile:

If it gives us more info on their slot for me to abstain though, that’s fine. I have a lot on my plate as is anyways (backreading, making the discussion posts, rereading the rules like I should’ve a while ago lol)

What is a vanity wagon?

Huh? Maybe I’m misunderstanding what you’re saying is “wrong”, but I feel like their reads are pretty valid atm. Do you trust the people they mentioned? :thinking:

Uh no, don’t you involve me in your science experiment bs. Leave me out of it

That is no excuse to do another player’s work.

Real life takes priority over games. If the players truly were so busy that they couldn’t play the game, then they shouldn’t have signed up in the first place. All responsibilities that players have belong to themselves.

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A wagon containing one voter. Considering only the top wagon (i.e., wagon / target with the most votes) gets executed, anyone (i.e., any wagons) with only one voter will usually never get executed. Those votes were made in vain.

It is explained later on, but I am unsettled by the fact that Kii didn’t scumread Jarek based on Kii’s statement which he made on his first post. (Kii essentially said he want rolefishers dead. Jarek did exactly that, but Kii didn’t even put Jarek on his Top 3 Scumreads.)

I have no power over jail. Whatever he does is ultimately up to him. All I did was rudely order him to visit you.

There is no science experiment in this story.

VOTE: Kiiruma

I will have to look into the rules to remember what Viscount and the other one means. :sweat_smile:

Carbonated is one of my higher vote candidates atm. I initially interpreted Carbonated’s playstyle as a confused townie (similar to my first game of FOL), but they’re starting to look more scummy. Their posts from (today I think), as you’ve mentioned, have felt too indecisive—-like they don’t want to say the “wrong thing”. It feels like they’re filtering themselves if that makes sense.

I still want to ISO some posts to see if I find anyone else who I’d rather vote, but that’s where my head is at atm. :+1:

EOD is at like 4:30 EST I think? If I don’t find a better vote candidate, that’s probably where my vote is going. I’d be happy to discuss more if we want to coordinate more!

You are top posting and are 15% of the thread. This would not be a problem if town had direction and was doing things at the time of you top-posting, but they weren’t
Your ISO supports this - in that your content to post ratio isn’t good. Do you have zero content? No. Do you have some good content? Yeah. Are you comparable to other people in terms of content? Indeed. But the “other people” aren’t top posting. The raw number of content you’ve produced is fine, but your ratio is poor.

A wagon that has no real prospect of being the end of day lynch, and the only reason to sit on it is to show to others that you’ve sat on that wagon.

There are two neutral roles who virtually cannot win unless I am dead, regardless of my alignment.

I guess Viscount can win by surviving until all players with Royal Blood die but there’s still an incentive there to get me executed


How much social deduction experience do you have? (TOS, FOL, etc etc).

I specified the wagon for people who were backreading, but also to emphasize just how bad the wagons were.
Also it was quintuple 2-size wagons, not quadruple. You might think that’s a bit semantic but I haven’t seen quintuple tied wagons in a less than 20p game in a long time
More than two tied wagons signals town has is split and has no consensus, and it makes it way easier for scum to take control of the execution.
It also means that the people who are being voted aren’t really under much pressure because another slot could be voted and shift it off of them at any time.

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@Daeron what do you think about jail?

has good posting but their excuse to the “scumslip” being that it was a planned reaction test was awkward
probably not the lynch for today due to good posting. wouldn’t be mad at any hostile actions taken toward them tonight. except maybe a vig shooting them if they were a strong town pr.


That’s fair. I mean, I joined not realizing that the thread this time around would be a bigger time commitment than usual (Mountainous). I still intend to be active and try and solve things as much as I can, but I did not account for the amount of time I’d need to pour into game-solving and keeping up to date when I initially signed up to goof off :sweat_smile:

(I kinda viewed the mode as a funny All-Any TOS-esque set-up).

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This is more of a curiosity question, but what is the most optimal vote scenario?

Would it better if votes were split down the middle half and half? I initially thought unanimous on one person is best, but it’s very dicey as, regardless of if it’s a mislynch or not, you get no info imo. :thinking: