Last Stand of the Virtuous 5.5 - GAME OVER, UNSEEN AND ANGEL WIN

idk why but them saying unseen here feels weird

don’t know them enough to really say anything tho, just felt weird to specify unseen their

End of day is in roughly 1.5 hours.

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pandora (5): Kiiruma, Frostwolf103, Zone_Q11, Hazardwaste, jail
carbonated (3): Daeron, Chomps, beancat
Daeron (2): Achromatic, pandora
jail (1): Jarek
Kiiruma (1): SirDerpsAlot
beancat (1): carbonated

Not Voting (4): Sayno, Kelsier, MerpyDerpy, Canping

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Cause if i would let that as im gonna take my revenge someone gonna say “why he would say as unseen” etc.

But here i see it backfired to me. Fair

No need to wait if he begins to play susp, but i also feel the same

Know him, he is kinda aggressive to be blue dragon for now… but maybe misleading

Btw zone looking that background is kinda making them less sus for now. Cause why deal with unseens if you know them already as an unseen

For me at least

Day 1 Read List:
(My list is made in order from lowest player count to highest player count Feel free to ask me any questions about my reads or further clarification. I’ll try my best to make it clear in this post, but I am sure I will miss some stuff lol).

Sayno: Null/Scum-Lean

(The three quotes pulled are all of their posts as of this list). I don’t know much about Sayno, but I have had 2 separate games where wolves did not say much and won, and I don’t want to let this player to similarly fly UTR (I believe that’s the term). They’re null for now, but I have no intention of ignoring it. I have yet to see a game where a townie disappeared like this. I always look forward to being townie. It’s like a stress off my shoulders. I can’t imagine rolling townie and being like “sigh not this again”.

In summary, I need to hear more from this slot in the future to solidify my thoughts.

Kelsier: Null/Scum-Lean

I don’t know what a “wi” is, but I’m going to guess it’s like “wincon” or something? Are they claiming to have low stakes in the game?

When nudged to give any opinion, they simply just opt out of it. I feel like, even if it’s repetitive, it’s worth giving your opinion on a matter—especially if someone directly asks you for your thoughts. This interaction does them no favors.

Initially, I had deemed this a read. I had interpretted it as “oh idk how you guys think that’s a slip it’s obviously not”. But, upon rereading it, I don’t think that’s the intention. This appears to be an open-ended question asking about what happened rather than framing his answer in a “what are you guys on about” kind of way.

His only read. Even if it is about me, I still don’t like the claim. He makes the claim and gives no support for it. I want to understand why people think I’m town rather than just tell me that. Scum knows who their teammates are, and by proxy, who town are. This read without support looks bad.

Similarly with my Sayno conclusion, I need to hear more from Kelsier.


When this was said, this was like an immediate red flag to me. As I mentioned initially, I’m not good with picking up jokes, so I thought that you were legitimately proposing to just exe the King blindly. I do appreciate you clarifying it though rather quickly. The way it was handled feels relatively townie.

^^^The clarification that was mentioned previously.

This feels like a good statement as I followed an almost identical procedure to this at the start of the game. Although, I will admit I fell off a bit in reading the rules on the second day. (I got very busy with school and prioritized backreading and responding to fact-checking the rules. I intend to read the rules once thread closes for the day…hopefully). :hugs:

I feel like answering the questions Jail proposed, although framed odd, earns him small town credit. As town, you don’t really have anything to hide, so responding to this seemingly simple question speaks volumes imo.

This isn’t a read per se, but it is something I found interesting that I wanted to keep tabs on. I typically don’t make reads on people that quickly. Curious on how others feel about this. :thinking:

A valid assessment. I mean, it’s also possible that they’re just steering us in the direction they want (which is why there is little resistance). But, given how sus the people on the block currently are, I suspect your theory is more likely. Townie points here as well.

I’m rather null on both of these interactions. It could just be Derp’s style of typing (like a joking manner), but I feel like it dodges viable questions.

This is another instance of null. A vote with no explanation to me is like an immediate red flag, but no one has seemed to bring it up. Is this normal for Derps to not communicate their thoughts? Regardless, it is not an inherently townie trait.

In summary, Derps has some small instances of town credit mixed in with quite a bit of null moments. For now, he is null/town-lean for me. I would like to hear more from my fellow Derp. :saluting_face:

Achro: Null/Town-Lean

This was in their second message. It feels very out of place. Was it a reaction test of some kind to Carbonated? Without knowing the intentions of the message, I will deem it null.

This was a really good townie start. He proposed the idea of pushing out the King with what we thought were the best odds. Although I had disagreed with the suggestion, I think him championing the idea is good—feels like genuine concern and effort.

This is where the null for my read on Achro comes in. He had a very strong opening post but then experienced a rapid decline in game activity which struck me as odd. It is probably a result of the rules being altered, but I can’t say that being annoyed = town. Since we now know that evils don’t know the role of the starting king, I’d imagine it is now more of a hassle to plan around the King. It is NAL (non-alignment indicative). Editor’s Note: I either used the abbrevation correctly or just coined my own abbreviation. XD

It really does become a matter of “would Achro tunnel-vision on killing the king despite understanding the rand altercations aren’t the kings fault”. I unfortunately don’t know Achro well enough to gauge that, but I want to believe there’s more to it.

I also felt as though Daeron’s post there was scummy (wanting to shutdown discussion and progress), but they later elaborated on why they wanted to shift gears. I was hoping to see how your thoughts would develop as we seem to have reacted similarly.

Not a read but yay! I like you too! I enjoy interacting with you in forums! :hugs:

In summary, I want to say that Achro is more likely to be townie than wolf, but the dip in activity feels rather NAL. Therefore, he is null/town-lean. Would like to learn more about his slot as the game progresses!

Update: I looked at the clock and OH GOD I’M RUNNING OUT OF TIME. I’m just going to post what I have and keep working at it. Sorry everyone! :hugs:

Edit: I will add to this in a reply most likely. I want to make sure at least some of my reads got out before time was up.

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Btw dont mind me saying blue dragons as evils cause its like in my memory back from thrones of lies. I dont know the other yellowish faction

Im already talking mate about other posts. Like i said i was busy for 2 days

might be here very close to eod

I was actively writing this for like the past hour or 2, so anything you typed then I didn’t see.

Fair i dont blame you.

I’m going to continue working on my reads list until closer to 4 to get my thoughts out there more. If you need anything, please ping me. Otherwise, I likely won’t see it.

I’m afraid I don’t follow you.
What do you mean?

Also achro did the same as others did. But the host was lying, it was obviously best play to do at that moment you believing that was a “good start as townie” isnt a good start cause it was obvious

I meant if you knew canping was unseen you wouldnt bother. Evils knows other evils right?

You wouldnt look for their background