Last Stand of the Virtuous 5.5 - GAME OVER, UNSEEN AND ANGEL WIN

Day 1 Read List Part 2:
Sorry again for having to split it up! I just wanted to at least get some of it out there, so people had stuff to discuss! I forgot how much time it takes for me to make my read lists. I like to be thorough. :sweat_smile:

Pandora: Scum

From what I’m gathering from backreading, Pandora was the first person to suggest that the odds for King rand were fake. Although it was good to know, sharing this information doesn’t make them more townie as it does not do anything for their slot imo. Especially since they use this as a reason to want to push the King out (“paranoia”).

This was an unusual pivot vote. It could be a joke as it seems this was a reference to Jarek being a deceptive King in the past, but I am uncertain if this was to support the “paranoia” or not. It is something that isn’t sitting right with me.

Pandora was asked to find this reference for her King probability claim several times and claimed they could not find it. I just find it odd that despite it being discussed “a lot”, there’s no trace of it. That’s not a good look. I am tempted to check myself to see if I can find it, but I will have to look into that matter on my own time if I remember to.

I got like a massive wave of deja vu reading from these 4 posts. This style of messaging was almost identical to what I saw in a Heaven v. Hell game where one of the mafia just kinda threw their hands up in the air and lost. This does not feel like a townie response at all to give up so easily. If Pandora knew they were town, I’d like to believe they’d keep fighting to show us the truth. Arguably one of the biggest red flags I’ve seen all game.

Kiiruma: Town

If I remember correctly, this was said like said instantly—right off the bat. It was definitely planned prior to game start. However, I think it is townie. I think Kiiruma read the rules and wanted to lead us in a good direction. I sense no ill will from this plan despite me somewhat disagreeing with it. (I agree with not openly claiming, but I do believe it leaves us in a no-mech situation).

^And for someone who relies on mech as you claim, it is an interesting path to take. Despite this, I still feel like you’re townie.

[quote=“Kiiruma, post:51, topic:10030, full:true”]
1 - Choosing not to answer and I recommend nobody answers.
2 - Pandora
3 - Yes or No, take your pick. If I’m not town I’m a neut but course I’d say that anyway lol

Despite the jokey answer toward the end, you are another player who answered Jail’s questions. As I mentioned in Derp’s read section, I do give you some townie points for this. A simple task but would probably scare wolves.

They were ready to support their claim that Pandora is who they sussed at the time relatively quickly. I tried to see how quickly they responded time-wise, and the best I could do was track their post count difference. (Post #54 was the question, and it was answered by post #96).

He was very transparent with where his head was at that time, and what I gathered from backreading, I agree with his assessment so far. :+1:

I think this is the biggest thing I disagree with Kiiruma on. I don’t know what “mistakes” Kiiruma is seeing from Achro. The only thing I really saw from Achro was “we should kill the king the odds are high enough”, “I am annoyed”, “Daeron is sus”, and then that was about it. If the “mistakes” Kiiruma refers to are not knowing the probability, I’d argue that wasn’t a mistake. Hell, it was in the opening statement. The only person who knew about this altercation (to our knowledge) was Pandora.

I won’t quote the entire post, but they go on to give another delve into their thought process here, and I can tell their reads have been very consistent with how they’ve been playing. I sense no ill will.

This is yet another sentiment I agree with them on. Daeron’s response to being pushed on to felt townie and not defensive like a panicked scum.

This isn’t a read, but I wanted to note this because I don’t really understand it, and I would like to discuss it with Kiiruma.

Kiiruma catching a vote from Derp (someone who I think is Null/Scum-Lean) is a big red flag. Especially a vote with no support.

Chefs kiss! I responded to areas of interest, but this is all-in-all a very thought out reads list. Looks townie to me! I love the colors too! :+1:

The TL;DR list is also really nice. I hope to do that with mine once I get through it all. (Will probably be tomorrow if I’m alive lol).

In summary, Kiiruma is probably one of my biggest townreads atm. I will continue to ISO everyone else, but this is my current thought process.

E it’s now 4:05. Sorry about the delay. I had to go feed my dogs.


what if i am baronet and i still voted you

Guess mine ill tell if its correct. 1 usage lmao

then you lied


Nah you lost your usage :(

i dont need to claim my actual role? in that case lying about being an another unseen as unseen still makes me unseen

Jarek has now too much info. Lynch em!

you do because I say so and entirely because I say so, with no other logic or reasoning required

Why do you feel Pandora isn’t scummy?

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ok i am baronette then

I’m a fucking genius if true

@Achromatic you should tie the wagons

People like you shouldn’t need to be afraid getting it wrong first time, CFDing and get scum is luck most of the time.

VOTE: Carbonated

Weren’t you like the first person to champion the idea of voting the king because probability was on our side? I interpreted that as your townie idea got shot down, and you were bummed. The reason you’re null/town-leaning for me anyways is because I expect more from you and your slot regardless of alignment. You had a very strong opening and then an equally strong fall-off, and I can’t decipher if your response to it was AL (alignment indicative). I won’t feel confident until I get more clarification from you.

Really I think this vote could go either way, now in a literal sense

Have you thought about letting night actions take care of the other?

But I don’t care for either of these “Pushes” that people have made that much and It’s mostly just “this person has acted in a strange way” and that’s like a nothing burger

I’m awake
After reading everyone has shifted only slightly except MerpyDerpy who is now bleeding town due to willingness to solve

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