Last Stand of the Virtuous 5.5 - GAME OVER, UNSEEN AND ANGEL WIN

Thats not how coin flips work, noob

has carbonated claimed?

anyways I don’t care enough to argue more than I have so rip pandora

With your own words you explained though, your vote doesnt look good then.

VOTE: pandora

what are you even talking about, I said carb felt worse than pandora out of my two options for current wagons

Maybe “shocked” wasn’t the right word, but they kinda threw their hands up in the air like “oh well I guess I can’t convince you guys” which feels abnormal for T!Pandora to give up so easily for not explaining much. Again, if Pandora was town, I think they’d fight harder than this. This current response doesn’t make sense for a T!Pandora POV imo.

Yet you havent explained why carbonated is worse, but whatever time is wasting becasue you dont feel quoting and explain

pretty sure they said I’m busy so I cant convince you guys…very different lol

pandora (7): Kiiruma, Frostwolf103, Zone_Q11, Hazardwaste, jail, Jarek, Daeron
carbonated (3): Chomps, beancat, SirDerpsAlot
Daeron (2): Achromatic, pandora
beancat (1): carbonated
Jarek (1): Canping

Not Voting (3): Sayno, Kelsier, MerpyDerpy

One-ish minute remains.

maybe i should set a topic timer

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I dont care enough to go make quotes I skimmed their ISO and decided

Zone said about the fact I should be deathtunneling Jarek.
Those 2 reasons were why I thought Zone thought I should be deathtunneling.

Might I recommend doing so in your last will? You can make it jic you die tonight and if you don’t then you can just update it. Everyone should be keeping updated last wills

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I’m running out of time, so I’m just going to vote now before I get sidetracked with my dinner. :yum:
If this vote goes through, I do think it’s worth looking into Carbonated and some of our other quiet players tonight. Don’t announce what you’re doing, but this is just a general suggestion.

VOTE: Pandora

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uh good luck guys
if this was wrong… it’s uh… someone else’s fault not mine

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Hey guys. What’s up?

GL yall

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Yeah sure! :+1:

TMI vote them