Last Stand of the Virtuous 5.5 - GAME OVER, UNSEEN AND ANGEL WIN

Catching up from eos


At this point the effectively have 0 posts, unsure where the scumlean comes from

Others on this list are so far okay albeit the lowposters

Yes I am aware???

This is the post
They say “no unseen would push for another desperately”
I just accused them of “pushing desperately”
Therefore they aren’t unseen??

Extremely meh
“I dont think pandora’s town but whatever on exe”
Surely u have better reads
Have a negative cookie

Lol they’re talking about them being paranoid of ek, the vote is in accordance

A fair point, even with hindsight
Def feels like a “scummy town meta” kind situation with hindsight, but merp pointing this out makes sense

I personally agree with this more, although my carbonated tunnel hindsight might be influencing this, would look for an actively scummy slot rather than a wet noodle d1

Okay got through to eod
I feel the votes that moved (merpy, daeron, jarek) were mosrly okay, towniest to least in that order

If there was groupscum i think id look in the first 5

Quick narcissism xallout

[quote=“Daeron, post:1227, topic:10030, full:true”]
just ISOd them and found a fucking DREADFUL post

Go read my wallpost

What about the non-voters (Sayno and Kelsier)?


Either one or both of them, other players I trust (not counting Jarek and Daeron is king, she dont count as group scum)

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you use brackets [ ]

type in color= in like red or gree (yes gree, not green) in the bracket space

Type anything after the bracket on the text you want it colored and end with [/color]

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Why do you feel this way? I still have doubts about their slot. :thinking:

If sirderpsalot and jarek are both scum, I dont see why bussing on carbonated as another group scum was a good idea for their team.

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If I understood your previous point (the one I replied to) about the W!Carbonated world, I think the last vote shows it is incredibly unlikely.

The last vote?

Wasn’t it like a 1-2 votes difference for a good portion of EOD (the Pandora and Carbonated wagons)?

Besides yours, 2 votes are Jarek and Daeron

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i already shared my opinion on sayno they are frozen and today they have posted a weird one

and who?

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cause they still have been evil and if that would flip i would have been gone. I cant take risks upon someone elses plays. They really could have been played that way and i dont know em either. So it was a idea of me “ugh probably anothet townie gonna get flipped” but it doesnt matter.

dont you dare ur still susp about me

cus at that time of wagon i was afk. I cant do something else after they got like 7 votes upon them.

Thats an another reason why i “couldnt” said anything. It was already over. It could be a meta play and i accept that but thats the fact

When did Jarek place their vote on Carbonated yesterday? I think that’s an important question to ask because I remember we reached a point yesterday where it was very apparent that Pandora was the one going over (around the time that Daeron and me starting discussing it aloud). I think the concluding vote was like 8 ppl on Pandora or something like that).

^^The reason why I ask this question is because, if it was done around this time, it holds no meaning because W!Jarek would know their partner is at no real risk, right?

If you don’t want to check for that, I can try and backread it to find the time of his vote. I just figured it was worth asking you since you had checked that EOD vote previously for your claim point. :+1:

yea but you implied otherwise???

I was explaining myself since you seemed to think that I was pushing desperately. It’s quite obvious that I am unseen and I would not push for someone “desperately” but rather in that i believe it’s a good vote. that being said, this argument is incredibly nonsensical and makes zero sense to me. Someone else can try explaining to me if they like but I think this is a very poor, flailing argument.

Man, I feel like a broken record. :sweat_smile:

Can you explain to me why you don’t trust Beancat? I don’t think voting for someone simply to reciprocate their vote on you is a valid reason. What about them makes them suspicious to you?

If you already answered this, sorry, but I haven’t seen you explain your thoughts on their slot yet.

yeah absolutely! let me find that post rq…

my initial reasoning here

and then her response to that honestly has just been not that good, like, I think the arguments she makes are extremely pointless

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