Last Stand of the Virtuous 5.5 - GAME OVER, UNSEEN AND ANGEL WIN

i was here after both of you so to me both of you are equally old

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Good luck on finding a charger, soldier!

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I am like tutuu if tutuu was evil and fucked up

and drank the yaoi potion at 3am

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oh no how awful

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Im toi high to be serious rn im sorry carbonated

pat pat


No. I meant Discord. I can’t turn those off / pause them, unlike here at FoL.

Discord emotes are fine. They usually don’t tend move too much compared to the big GIFs that cover at least a tenth of my mobile’s screen.

—we should probably get back on track with the game though. Fluff like these can be talked about in the Cookie Thread. (Even though I usually don’t talk about these matters over there…)

can someone confirm for me this is not a tutuu alt


Ah fair fair. Well, what would we like to discuss? I think Hazard proposed not claiming, so what would we like to talk about?

Yep. That sounds about right. This setup has a huge history behind it, but it really has an extensive mech behind every roles. There is no “simple role” that can only do one thing; all roles have multiple abilities, so it gets really headache-inducing whenever one tries to cram all of this knowledge in a short timespan.

The advice indeed came from me, and I wish you the best of luck with getting to know about this game in general. o/

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That makes sense. It seemed like the roles and flavor text were too specific to be made-up on the spot. If it was, fair enough, but I figured they drew some inspiration from somewhere else. (No shade to the hosts or creators of this FOL mode).

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Well there is Achro’s statement of “King having 40% odds of being Evil, which is higher than =rand (because =rand is 4/16 or 5/16, which is around 25%)”. Beancat followed Achro without much thinking, but then again there really isn’t much to say if you agree with the statement.

Then there is me thinking jail made a scumslip for mistaking Unseen with Blue Dragon. (Me not pushing him more for this is probably a bad play from my end, but then again I am not exactly an aggressive player if I don’t get attacked first.)

Otherwise… IDK either. Nothing else caught my eye so far. I guess we can talk about the consequences of executing the King, and the King retaliating (by means of using their abilities) prior to his death?

…actually, whenever one talks about “=rand”, does one calculate from uninformed majority’s POV or informed minority’s POV?

you calculate from the playerlist

minus one town
so uninformed ig

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If we execute the King, then we would hold an election for the next King… which honestly is a pain in the rear for me since I’d have to vote for someone trustworthy —which is nobody.

Grand Trial could extend Day Phase whereas Sword of Damocles cannot. Except Damocles forces a majority vote to get triggered lest the death falls upon whoever the King condemns.

In terms of public image, Trial is a reasonable retaliation whereas Damocles is more likely to result in the King’s own execution.

However, there is technically the possibility that the King wouldn’t retaliate at all. Either by means of lack of interest in the King’s execution (thereby removing the need to retaliate in the first place) or by means of pure discussion. (Ya, uh… Good luck with that one. You’d need to talk-no-jutsu your way out of your own execution.)

Ah. Good to know.

So basically =rand is either 10/15 or 11/15 in this game, which is at least 66%. Meanwhile, the King’s odds of being Unseen is confirmed to be 60%, which is undeniably slightly lower than the rest of us.

…I mean: Yeah, Achro’s statement is mathematically correct, but if I have learnt one thing from my past (which says a lot considering my poor memory space), then it’d be to never bring math into a social deduction game.

I’m gonna do my own thing and tunnel jail.

Eliza admitted last time that the probabilities are fake and she choses it manually

Never mind! There is one player I can trust in the event we execute the King: Myself! :D

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I thought they were talking about the Archtypes?