Last Stand of the Virtuous 5.5 - GAME OVER, UNSEEN AND ANGEL WIN

The role which bled Frost is probably non-town because while I don’t exactly think Frost is super towny, Frost also hadn’t done anything to warrant a bleed.

Yeah I see, it did occured on day. So thats not it.

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Maybe I’m remembering wrong, but what actions did you influence this game? This isn’t meant as an insult, but I genuinely don’t remember you spearheading any of the actions thus far. :thinking:

Somebody asked a set of 3 questions. To which I stated that I recommended nobody answered question 1 as I believe it is harmful to town. Also in my opener I highly discouraged claiming and rolefishing due to us trying to benefit our 2 main roles.

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Maybe the hints aren;t obvious at first, but I suppose they pick it up by now and thinks I am some kind of investigative role.

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There are some roles that bleed you for visiting them, and Frost is claiming that they visited someone at the same time the bleed occurred. This would also produce an unwarranted bleed. I don’t want to dismiss the idea that it could be a townie-caused bleed until we have more evidence.

That was Jail who asked those questions.

Ah yes you did ask us not to claim/role-fish. I forgot about that.:sweat_smile:

Thanks for jogging my memory! :+1:

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Frost claims to have been bled during the day. So no.

If Frost was bled at night, Frost would be told during feedback.

hes mostly towny i agree with that, also about carbonated i also feel not ww but little preassure wont hurt seems like.

And for the sake of this argument, I think I have derped in a way that’s not how the mechanic suppose to work.

As Kiiruma said, I would have been bled way sooner.


carbonated (4): beancat, Daeron, Hazardwaste, Frostwolf103
SirDerpsAlot (2): Zone_Q11, Chomps
beancat (1): carbonated
Kelsier (1): Jarek

Not Voting (8): Canping, Sayno, SirDerpsAlot, Kelsier, Achromatic, MerpyDerpy, Kiiruma, jail

If Frost receieved the bleed notification when claimed. Then it’s a day bleed. Not a night one.

Unless any of the night bleeds specifically specify they start bleeding the next day.

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I will have to point out that Carbonated flipping W does NOT make Kiiruma worse because of supposingly defense.

Oh wait really? Huh. Yeah I think I’m not understanding the distinction between a townie and evil bleed. Does the townie bleed need to processed by end of night then while the evil bleed is during the day? I’m not sure how you’re distinguishing which alignment caused it.

In my opinion if carbonated is evil then achro looks bad

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There are night and day bleeds, I got bled during the day.

I have wrongly assumed the hunter activate his day ability on anyone who visited them during Night 1 and causes to bleed.


If Frost thinks he has been towny then it would lead Frost to believe the bleed is more likely to come from an evil source especially since discussion hadn’t really been pointing at Frost beforehand.

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Ah I see. Thank you! :+1:

So is it only evil roles that have a day-bleed then? I read through all the roles that had a bleed ability when I was looking for a BMer, but I’m now jumbling all of them inside my head. I don’t remember the timestamps for their abilities. :joy:

Which it is not wrong, its just the timing of the day ability and the day bleed from minutes apart.

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And since no one have claimed that the attack is roleblocked, then this can be assumed that the target is healed or group scum found an neutral evil.

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