Last Stand of the Virtuous 5.5 - GAME OVER, UNSEEN AND ANGEL WIN

How do you know scum are within the low posters anyway? Weirdly enough my reads ARE quite low post focused too but evil doesn’t have to have a huge presence and even if they do, they don’t have to guide us any which way.

Because threadstate suggests so, and additionally everyone who has high posted is blatant town, or Jarek who has mech

There is 4 or 5 scum in Carbonated/Sayno/you/Derps/Beancat/Chomps/Achromatic/Kelsier


I think Merpy and you are the most questionable of the high posters. Not necessarily evil but Merpy nor you are hard cleared.

I’m irrelevant because I’m the king slot for evaluating neutrals/group scum
Merpy is definitiely town and even if you were hard aligned against her, she’s never getting exed today


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Daeron, not it’s getting out of hand. But I advice you stop.


Also fun fact you were pushing Jarek earlier when I already had Jarek as town.

So you’re agreeing with a decent amount of my reads. Was wrong on Jarek while I wasn’t wrong. And I’m still wolfy because I’m trying to just do things irl? K.

Not like my actions have been very clearly pro town too

Okay I am back. I am going to start pinging people I want to hear more from. If you’re not pinged, you’re not necessarily off the hook. It’s just a matter that I’ve heard from you and expect you to keep that same energy.


I don’t want to be obnoxious and ping more people, so I’ll leave it at that for the time being. (I don’t even know if we’re allowed to be pinging people like this. Sorry if it is not allowed.


I know a little bit about Hamilton, and I even sang “Burn” for 2 singing recitals. I’m sure it’ll be fun! :smile:
Thank you! :heart:

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EOD is today at 4:30 EST. Would love to hear your thoughts on who to vote today! :+1:

I don’t actually know. Maybe it depends on the type of ability?

I agree with Daeron here. I can understand not wanting to fall into a scum-indicative pattern, but given how this game has been running, it’s very likely the wolves are just letting us kill each other off one-by-one. We haven’t experienced much resistance to our plans thus far which is why I am concerned.

Maybe I’m misunderstanding what you’re saying, but wouldn’t the reason why they don’t have a presence is because they feel they don’t have to/town is doing the mislynches for them?

why are we killing carb?

I do agree with Frost here, Daeron. I think it’s worth considering all of our options today rather than tunnel-visioning.

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derps has provided almost nothing as it relates to game related content today, even less than me which is impressive

VOTE: sirderpsalot

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Why not.

I personally don’t trust their posts or their interactions (wishy-washiness, lack of presence/presence at strange times, etc). I believe it was Hazard who referred to their appearances as the “Beetle-juice” effect which is basically they’d only show up when their name is mentioned, and I don’t know if I really trust that behavior. I was deciding between that and Kiiruma today, but I am leaning toward Carbonated atm unless we get a stronger vote candidate that we agree on.

I will see what Carbonated says if they show up today, but it’s going to be tough to change my mind. We can talk about it more if you’d like to though. I am curious about your thoughts on their slot and how they’ve developed for you (if at all). :thinking:

read derps’ iso

this is clearly a case of people trying to do too much lol