Last Stand of the Virtuous V: Venerated - Day 3 (10/17) - UNSEEN AND VISCOUNT WIN

Yeah I’m counting this as KP

technically she can mechanically but I have no reason to believe that’s the case

the reasons Guava got voted for were fine
you probably don’t see it the same way because you had TMI

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Only if we execute another evil today. Also, if we end up misexeing today, Jarek should make me immune to conversion tonight. I did make someone immune to conversion last night and now have a permanent chat with them, but at their request, I’m not revealing who it is.

Okay to be fair yeah for me it was no reason (because it was wrong they weren’t evil)

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Declaring you want conversion immunity makes it a lot less effective honestly but eh go ahead

Good idea
Hopefully we get wolves to waste a night trying to convert

the ash vote and push in retrospect really feels like an instance of ‘there’s a decent scumcase on the slot and everything else has defenders or is very shrug’

That’s my hope too.

Ehhhh there’s literally never a point to voting out the king the starting king never has KP and only has a double vote you’re better off cutting through suspects until no deaths happen for like 3 days straight and then killing the king

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For kill and conversion immunity
Sharing who it’s going to isn’t ideal

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aka I don’t think disliking it is a bad thing
threadstate was Weirdly United and that doesn’t happen normally

The king literally can’t have TMI zug.

This is for a different game

It’s great that I can say the most suspect shit possible and never be suspected for it because of this

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this was referring to Jarek’s view of Guava in Singers FM
where Jarek had TMI that Guava was town

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there’s a jailer

i claim jailed

I mean the most TMI I could have had is knowing what faction we’d be up against before any flipped
