Last Stand of the Virtuous V: Venerated - Day 3 (10/17) - UNSEEN AND VISCOUNT WIN


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good night

I think the difference that makes this valid is that I think Cat is absolutely capable of making that leap and chose not to do so in favor of doing what I’d ascribe as ‘doing what I enjoy’
I don’t see why a wolf would want to do that
Wolves take angles with the goal of winning and Cat is just being themselves which is based and yeah that’s villagery

but then I sit on this post and wonder if it was building on sand
I should eat dinner

could you explain this

when the hell did this jail interaction happen

So jail picked up that I was building worlds about Leafia not being one of the 3 mod message roles, and tried to stop me from spreading that, because it would give wolves an opportunity.
I thought they were shutting down any conversation about Leafia being good, which I didn’t like, and also misinterpreted a message they made, where they said doing something was towny, to mean they thought Leafia was town but didn’t want people looking into it. I said I thought this made them evil.
We then figured out the misinterpretations and both backed down.

Reasons I think this is t/t:
Jail was trying to stop Tinfoiling on Leafia, which I feel a wolf would just ignore and let happen
Jail dived into my messages instead of backing down, which feels townlike, as I feel a wolf wouldn’t want to get into a social conflict over a misinterpritation, but a town might read that as a push.
Jail backed down after the misinterpitation instead of continuing to push on me

@Geyde This is the message I believe started the argument
It continues from here

I thought this was saying Leafia was townie more than not
But it was saying that looking into Leafia was townie more than not

so it was like
all there

I’ve never had an argument be that readable before
unrelated question how were you immediately feeling after the fact

I was feeling good
My mistake didn’t seem like it created any negative read, and the argument was short enough to not upset me

never actually enjoyed an argument like that
when did it crystallize for you that jail was approaching it from a towny space
I usually assume bad intentions to a fault

When I realized I misinterpreted their message
And so the responses I got made sense

in the moment?

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I can’t keep playing mafia until it negatively affects my health out of some devotion to an idea
I’m sleeping gotdamn

Genuinely why the fuck was I awake at 6:30 am

I am here

do you have any mech


I am waiting if anyone visited Canping and whether he got bled.