Last Stand of the Virtuous V: Venerated - Day 3 (10/17) - UNSEEN AND VISCOUNT WIN


WCS is that none of our 5 (or 6 if we let frost bleed out) slot solves pan out
Jail exe
Brak vig
Elim today
Elim tomorrow
Marshal check

Do we even have enough PoE slots for this not to work out

So here is what is going bad for Eve:

  1. April Showers Reconstructed - TOWN VICTORY! - #52 by Eve

Guess what Eve did at Sod? Push bionic and got mad at him for polciying hydras

  1. Only pushed Town during d1

  2. Last Stand of the Virtuous V: Venerated - Day 2 (15/17) - #1872 by Canping

  3. Tried protecting wolves at EoD and tried to CFD in every direction

  4. Eve was jailed no NK

  5. Last Stand of the Virtuous V: Venerated - Day 2 (15/17) - #2814 by Brakuren

  6. Claimed an action they couldnā€™t do Last Stand of the Virtuous V: Venerated - Day 2 (15/17) - #2863 by Eve

  7. They would constantly stop pushing and talking to people that werenā€™t pushing them

  8. Self vote + AtE

anything else?

we can maj at noon i think if we wanna go early I kinda wanna mass ping everyone to confirm night actions

The canping opener being classic overwhelmed scum enters thread and drops a correct scumread on a partner instead of having any original thoughts to look productive

that was on the list alr

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Iā€™m on mobile hard to check links

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I think itā€™s pretty comprehensive unless you want to get into threadstate analysis

dadw lol

Have you seen ash + frost interactions, I think its unpaired as well.

Thanks for doing so much treadmill work and reading extensively through slots
I lose the energy for slots with greater than 50 post ISO

D1 actually

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I honestly hate how obssssed i am with games It makes me so stressed ;-;

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hi there! 1 thing here. i followed it up by clarifying intentional. the AtE here is a very real unplanned response to the goings on that game. That entire game is under what id hope to be exceptional circumstances

after pandora clarified that we get 2 items whenever a pedestal spawns im fine going down here not much can be done. however i think its important to clarify important information like this so that it doesnā€™t stick around. also confbiased lol

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this is litterally a ctrl+c + ctrl+v from april showers btw


Life thing I tried this game
Me coming into thread for 2 hour increments d1 significantly helped my mental health and made sure that I was able to go do important IRL stuff
If you spend too much time on a game you get very attached in an unhealthy way

damocles. binding of isaac

  1. Geyde - clear
  2. Frostwolf103 - clearish and can also be not healed and die if needed
  3. Kiiruma - cleared / outed by Hazard; if Hazard dies at night we just kill Kii with the D3 exe
  4. Amelia - getting vigged by brak
  5. jail - clear
  6. Hazardwaste - cleared / outed by Lukaā€™s check; Luka is protected by Bionic and canā€™t die
  7. Eve - exed today
  8. SirDerpsAlot - canā€™t convert because Kinged, cleared by leaving the game EoD3
  9. Jarek - getting vigged by Derps
  10. Bionic - clear
  11. Luka - clear
  12. Zugzwang - clear
  13. CatInTree - getting killed by jail
  14. Brakuren - clear
  15. Leafia - clear

yeah I think we just win? unless I have something wrong here, or thereā€™s a 2nd neutral messing us up