Last Stand of the Virtuous V: Venerated - Day 3 (10/17) - UNSEEN AND VISCOUNT WIN

im a very lazy person but i fail to see why me assuming that a town wouldnt vote the innocent child nad refuse to change the vote when evidence is shown in their face, claim their playing the game when the prior is their only contribution to said game and disagree with lock towning an obvious villager when they havent read any of said villagers posts would be a wolf is considered lazy

if i was factional and i lie aobut this im throwing if i was neutral and i lie about this 50% chance im throwing 50% chance im a mastermind that probably benefits town

If you blindly sheep someone and they’re wrong you risk losing the game and no villager in their right mind ever blindly sheeps players they trust. They form their own reads while taking the reads of those they trust into consideration.

you wont lose the game from one ML
if its lylo or melo and theirs a vilager you trust you need to sheep them as well

Youre also forgetting sometimes its just best to resolve consensus slots since other villagers are going to tunnel them and you want them to help solve

Not true at all. It’s a play that would benefit scum after all.

the only people who i would trust to wolf this game if i died would be you brakuren and jail and i think you can agree on at least 2/3 of them being villagers

You will lose the game from a mislynch in mylo or lylo and blindly sheeping anyone is never good. That’s literally Mafia 101.

I’m not forgetting that.

@Luka One thing I TR about Hazard is defending CatinTree

this is why i said it after
if its lylo or melo you need village votes to kill somebody hence why sheeping wins games more than it loses them

why is it never good though
youre stating it as if this is some universal truth despite it being a fairly simple question of “why”

sometimes other players are better than you with better reads and recognizing “hey, i might be off this game this person has better reads. i village read them, i dont have a sense of direction. they’re more likely to be correct” is fine
if achro was in the game you would sheep him if he was claiming a god read on a slot and we both know it, i would too

Blindly sheeping other players is a good way for villagers to lose.

i have hazard as town right now

Bro what the fuck is this piece of shit

its also a good way for villagers to win
youre assuming a universal constant and truth for something that doesnt apply

I never disagreed with you lock tanning them as iv already fucking explained as a personal mafia theory difference it felt too early to make a clam of that level. And refusing to believe a town wouldn’t feel like going out of their way to read op when told is kinda cringe lol, you keep harping on the haha I’m confirmed town when iv made it clear I haven’t read roles nor do I care to yet you keep trying to pretend that means anything lol

divine intervention

I shee you and the. You. Change your bind making me dying out here :sob:

Ok so I read op

i dont think that you can say that in good faith though when they could be mod confitrmed ic even, this could be a game theory different but i can still scum read that. if im wrong oh well move to next game thats how mafia works

i wouldnt read op either but i dont think a town would keep the same level of stuborness when confronted with me showing you the role list and going “i am one of two roles that is known to be in game” and going “yeah this is still a good push” unless youre a player like bionic who im shocked still plays mafia