Last Stand of the Virtuous V: Venerated - Day 3 (10/17) - UNSEEN AND VISCOUNT WIN

What is AI?

This isn’t even a quote lol

Alignment indicative

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not sure why it matters but it lags if you hightlight ops

i can edit qoutes just as well as i can edit bolded messages i wouldnt do either

This still doesn’t change that I’m not going to read what marshal is till tomorrow, and until you can show me mech proving it I truly don’t care what you claim

Artificial Intelligence

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okay keep your vote on a confirmed town since they dare do the crime of pushing you
ill just assume youre a wolf instead of a troll which is probably better for the both of us

This is honestly just a meme of a read ngl

Any read that starts with I assume you’re just a troll is a meme and just tells me you’re more lazy than you want others to believe

no im assuming youre a mafia
since if youre a town youre a troll

you didnt even read my post lol

Mindmrld with me on the first statement.

It felt performative and it felt like he did it only for the towncred with how he expected everyone to just believe him instantly.

We’ll see.

I think Eve has a slightly wolfy feel myself.

That wasn’t trying to discredit towncoring people Brak.

No one even asked you to claim and you know it.

Probably best not to blindly sheep anyone. Even villagers can be wrong after all.

It worries me a bit on how Geyde got three votes so quickly.

This is how Bionic plays regardless of alignment. Leaning town at the moment for him though.

So even the hosts don’t know your alignment? j/k

Luka is claiming Marshal.

You are far from 100% confirmed Luka. Also, I’ve literally seen t!Derps hardpush a greencheck of his in my very first game on the old site. Him and his greencheck were both villagers, so I’d say him keeping his vote on Luka is NAI for him, maybe evena bit >Rand V, but he also seems a lot more subdued than he usually is as a villager, so I’m not sure exactly what to think about him. He’s usually more chaotic than this. VOTE: Derps

one of them is you one of them is me and the last one is an obvious villager

only part of this that i dont agree with

+1 both of these takes

I did which is why I said it’s just you being lazier than you want people to think lol

I’m aware of that Luka. You should never blindly sheep someone even if they’re literally a modrevealed innocent child though.

strongly disagree with this sentiment
if you dont have a direction of the game and somebody else does sheeping them is fine
if they rep really strong reads sheeping them is fine just to resolve it

this is a game theory difference though and probs not productive to have in this game

Literally anyone could claim Marshal. It doesn’t mean they’re automatically telling the truth.

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