Last Stand of the Virtuous V: Venerated - Day 3 (10/17) - UNSEEN AND VISCOUNT WIN

I have, though I’ll look again at some point before eod
not rn though because it’s nearly 2 am

All this Terraria discussion is making me want to get back to it too. I’ve never actually even fought the Wall of Flesh. Eater of Worlds is my personal favorite boss though.


This is exactly what I found wolfy about it. He also had no reason to do that at that point in time either.

Obligatory can’t sleep moment from me btw.


I think derps is town

I think it’s a cop out wagon
I like posts angles like #1536
I think the slot’s gut has been genuinely pretty on mark in a way that gets me to look back at content and be like ‘this was cooking ngl’

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I am assuming that hazard / kii are strong friends or something like that because of patterns tm

Does anyone have kii w games that aren’t fam because I feel rather strongly that the peformativeness I see there isn’t reflective of normal game behavior and instead likely an anxiety response to playing an 80 player game

To add to the circumstances behind the claim he’s doing it in a way that heavily restricts the options he has access to when he would be a kp role if he were faking it and kp roles are good and I think he or his partners would know that and advise against the play since the kp is going to be leashed since bleed is loud.
plus with the whole ‘if this faction is in game’ thing that doesn’t benefit him in the long term at all

There was one game not too long ago. Can’t recall the name of it though.

I just looked at this post and felt the exact same wowee

Ftr i think zug is very in townrange imo

He doesn’t have to be a kp role to be lying about the bleed.

Primarily because ive seen bits and pieces of a mix of effort/lack of tmi/deep thinking and open progression reads that make me think he would lowkey be too cracked to fake as wolf

Derps and Kii I’d put at wolfleans mainly based on gut.

you do realize the night ability just
bleeds someone

Also, Jarek should select me and Brak to talk to him tonight too I think.

can you bring up some of those
I think yesterday (technically more like 1 am today) me may have saw them but new day new person I’m struggling to see the same stuff

Mobileposting goes insane because randomly beinf met with 100 more posts out of nowhere while backreading makes me go :skull:


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You can claim you’re bleeding when you’re not actually bleeding you know.

Particularly his progression on me came across as hella pure, let me find it rq

Especially bc he just

Openly talks about it

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