Last Stand of the Virtuous V: Venerated - Day 2 (15/17)

Welp i tried

I haven’t changed my mind on skimming slots I’ve already posted on

uh just hard lock frost v it’ll help just trust me bro I’ve seen the fucking vision


I mean I think i’ve read bionic wrong in every game llmao

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@Zugzwang do u think hazard is wolf r town

I’ve had:

Stellaris mash - T/T
Knight errant (arguably, as I was fairly inactive) - T/T
Combinatorics Mafia - T/T
Undertale Yellow BOTF - w!Me, t!Bionic
April Showers Reconstructed (died n1 tho) - T/T
FAM4 - t!Me, w!Bionic
Singers FM - t!me, w!Bionic

and I’ve also hosted (and therefore fully read) Jail, where Bionic was wolf

Bionic has pretty clearly progressed his wolfplay from Jail* (where he was towny by traditional standards, but far from his town meta), to FAM4 (imitated his town meta, but with many flaws, one of which was having no consistent tunnel), and then to Singers FM (much closer to his town meta, until D2 when he dropped the tunnel on me for ??? reasons).
So I wouldn’t use any meta from w!Bionic before FAM4, given how much he’s changed.

*perhaps a better game to show this was Dethy - while this is a very very short game, I feel it does a good job showing Bionic’s usual wolfplay pre-FAM4

From my memory, that’s probably >rand w for Bionic tbh

here’s a w!Bionic post (obviously, one post doesn’t prove things, but I figured an example would be good)

given that you say you’re very off in about half your games, I don’t expect agreeing with Bionic’s reads to be very AI

idk what Amelia/Luka are voting him for
but my reasons are good (and also fmpov, 2 people other than myself turning against Bionic is far from the whole thread)

His sod felt diff from singers but i feel like youd have a better answer for this

Damn good timing

I really want to v read the slot because I feel an initiative is present here that isn’t associated with the tangible gains I’d see w!Zugz going for

I very much don’t see why zugz takes these lines as a wolf when simply existing is a much preferred method for giving more options
I approach the game seeing zugz as someone who doesn’t want to take a significant initiative as wolf unless it’s part of a strategy where there are gains to be had with that
I don’t think pushing bionic is that sort of play with realizable gains for zugz to act on since bionic’s content was ~fine from what I had seen up to that point

But then I see him basically asking for permission to be allowed on the wagon with that post chain and I’m struggling

idk I haven’t looked at them much

I’m around here now btw

tiers of town -




gth town -

null -

wolflean -

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@Zugzwang give me hazard meta

self-meta, but realistically if w!me is looking for an agenda-push I probably just vote Bionic without mentioning the TP claim

Besides the fact Bionic got a role that fits his playstyle, which is hilarious


His role that unlocks the ability being first voter on a wagon.

I am also dumb for not suspecting Leafia more for helping Bionic that game.

c’mon zug i wouldn’t shoot myself in the foot like that

I could act like I know what I’m talking about there, and maybe I should, but idk much of his meta
last game he was definitely much more :pensive:-vibed though; had a mild aura of sad/tiredness around his posts
oh also I think he overweighted Kii’s AtE, most likely because Kii was town and Hazard was wolf, but that’s a pretty situational tell

iso me i have a message with thoughts behind all my reads


1 message for each read