Legacy Forum of Lies 2 - The Psychopathic King, Possessor, and Alchemist win





yolobomb me you won’t

does it resolve before or after conversion?

if it resolves before what if i give u the win by killing u :joy:

Wait actually @Caligura if you yolobomb me and trigger my passive wouldn’t it act as a time warp (including conversion immunity and visit prevention) for all intents and purposes

ive no idea i just got here

Anyways i dont really have the brain power to solve rhis game, maybe ill come back in the morning but if not good luck to town or the other evil if u exist

  1. Killing
  2. Conversion


Don’t actually yolo bomb me


i can kill a town to guarantee they win as town and not get converted

so like. i mean im not doing anything on my own. but if someone really wants to

I’d rather my passive was used for when I actually get attacked and not because I’m paranoid I’m gonna be evil


if you’re EK be a chad and put me in allies and tell me otherwise fk u

Yeah with you being possessor they can’t be reaped or spine chilled so they’re just afk

But bottom line Karin is mechnically not starting unseen unless pav & the poss are lying

Btw if there is only one more evil left, its never tanaka

what if they converted kaiser last night and he stopped posting coz he got upset by that

Pretty sure the factional kill is an ability they have to use

It is possible that the ability the assassin picked allows them to use 2 abilities though, remember the assassin gets 1 ability to choose to use


well we know they attacked osaa

i meant that - what if thats the reason he stopped posting. was just curiosity

If he stopped posting around about the time his Mastermind flipped I think it’s possible he’s just given up and he killed osaa just to get rid of someone he already tried to kill

You know just submitting the action just to do it, going through the motions