Legacy Forum of Lies 2 - The Psychopathic King, Possessor, and Alchemist win

If I can mechanically appeal to you to side me.
Karin is currently unconverted. In the event that I die, the psychotic king could attack them. They have an ability to transport themselves with another player. They ccould then use that with you, therefor you die.
Unless you have stone skin, then everything else is irrelevant. I believe Karin always votes with me here.


I do have one final use of my stone skin, yeah

Ah, I see. Thats good for you at least, I believe mechanically you always win in that case.

I’m back

Ye one sex

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I was planning on using a different ability but it wouldn’t be very useful so

Trollbox (Day) - Make a post of your making on another player’s account. They will not be informed of this. Does not count toward your action cap, but can only be used twice each day - Infinite Uses

It shouldn’t count towards your action cap so can still use your other ability

How did you survive the bomb?

I knew it could be used twice I just didn’t see the other psrt

Any specific message you want?

anything you want, i just wanna make sure you are the bastard

Cool one sec

Now we wait


@Karin you can’t win if Olivia is telling the truth
Would you care to side me?

Probably Tanaka

Yes they very well can. I can convert them.

Most likely.