Legacy Forum of Lies 2 - The Psychopathic King, Possessor, and Alchemist win

They claimed to use it n1

funny in hindsight

I think they used alter self to holy blessing d1. Not sure though.


Personal Execution

I can see them taking Retribution tho

How I win

  • The psychotic king is executed.

How the Psychotic King Wins

  • I am executed, and the alchemist sides them with 3 people alive.

How the Court Wzard wins

  • The psychotic king dies.
  • I die and the Alchemist sides them in final 3.

How the Alchemist Wins

  • We do a little bit of trolling

Uhm. Please don’t discuss your private 18+ stuff among us.
We could have some minors here.

Among us


Among us


Alright, very well. (those were the trollboxes)

@Caligura there’s your boxes

This is the list for how everybody wins
I believe the CW still sides me though, as that is the most mechanically valid way for them to win.


@Henryk Heads or tails?


May fate be with you.

I would have taken Tails anyways.