Legacy Forum of Lies 2 - The Psychopathic King, Possessor, and Alchemist win

You cant convert prince I think

Unfortunately, Iā€™m a bit too rational for that right now. If my mental state degrades a little more, though, youā€™re getting it.

You arenā€™t going to do it anyway

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Thatā€™s what you think.

And I am correct

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I hate you.

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and they were friends


Stop calling out my lies!

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I know you wonā€™t simply because it takes five days to get a new one

Thatā€™s five fucking days

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stop saying lies


I lose my credit card enough to know the time by heart

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Itā€™s actually significantly more inconvenient for me, for certain logistical reasons.

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I havenā€™t lost my credit card or my wallet or my keys once. When I was a kid everyone was all ā€œoh she has so much trouble finding her belongings, sheā€™s so disorganisedā€ and wrote this on all my psychological profiles or whatever and I neverā€¦ got it. Iā€™ve never felt like I have ā€œtrouble with my belongingsā€, I donā€™t actually lose things very often at all. What were they even seeing?

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May you literally get locked out of your door multiple times

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Not because I lost my keys. Because I left them in my room. I knew exactly where they were the entire time.

Those were exceptional circumstances, for multiple reasons. I havenā€™t locked myself out of my room once since I figured out how to stop my door from locking every time it closes.

So you lost ur keys and remembered where they were

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Lost implies I was ever unaware of their location! I simply forgot my door always locks!

the cat has a point